
I. Introduction

II. First John Chapter One Commentary Verses

1:1-4-You Just Gotta Know

1:5-7-Glory to Thee Holy God of Light

1:8-10-I Must Needs Confess

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1 Jehovah Holy God of Light

Works Cited and References


English to Greek Character Mapping


I. Introduction


Our purpose is to render a commentary on First John chapter one.

We will follow this format:


II. First John Chapter One Commentary Verses


1:1-4-You Just Gotta Know


YLT TEXT: That which was from the beginning [1], that which we have heard [2], that which we have seen [3] with our eyes, that which we did behold [4], and our hands did handle [5], concerning the Word [6] of the Life -- and the Life was manifested [7], and we have seen, and do testify [8], and declare [9] to you the Life, the age-during, which was with the Father [9a], and was manifested to us -- that which we have seen and heard declare we to you, that ye also may have fellowship [10] with us, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ; and these things we write to you, that your joy [11] may be full. (1Jo 1:1-4; cf. Jhn 1:1-4, 16:28, “John Chapter One Commentary)

COMMENTARY-O how John is “aching” to communicate the mind-boggling reality that Jesus, God incarnate, has intimately been a part of John and the other disciples' lives. Feel as he reaches inside to grab the words that make lucid to others the hard reality of God stepping out of eternity and into time right there in Palestine with these very ordinary people: “...That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we did behold, and our hands did handle, concerning the Word of the Life -- and the Life was manifested, and we have seen, and do testify, and declare to you the Life, the age-during, which was with the Father, and was manifested to us -- that which we have seen and heard declare we to you...” He repeats himself here, as a man consumed to share some unbelievably fantastic news: '...We heard Him and saw Him, shared bread with Him, walked and talked with Him—He was so very much a part of us, day after day—He, the eternal One in our midst—yea we can testify to these things; testify about Him [Act 1:21-22, 2Pe 1:16]; we just have to let people know about this [Act 4:18-20]; we want you to know; to know about Him; to know about what has happened here...' What is driving John? Yes, it is the Holy Spirit; John's heart is about to burst—burst for joy (the blessed Timeless Worker is not least a Worker of Joy). And with the grace and excellence of the eternal One Jesus having spilled over onto John, he is driven to share this good news with others so that their hearts too might burst for joy, they too being a part of this: “...that ye also may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ; and these things we write to you, that your joy may be full...” Thanks be to God and His servant John for giving us this exceedingly good news and testimony. Let us accept the invitation to fellowship with God and with His people (“A Letter of Invitation”).


1:5-7-Glory to Thee Holy God of Light


YLT TEXT: And this is the message [12] that we have heard from Him, and announce [13] to you, that God is light [14], and darkness [15] in Him is not at all; if we may say -- 'we have fellowship with Him,' and in the darkness may walk [16] -- we lie, and do not the truth [17]; and if in the light we may walk, as He is in the light -- we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son doth cleanse [18] us from every sin (1Jo 1:5-7; cf. John 3:19-21; “John Chapter three Commentary”).

COMMENTARY-Jehovah God is Holy (Light), and He cannot fellowship with unholiness (Darkness), for by His own definition of Himself He cannot engage Darkness, whatever its source: “...And this is the message that we have heard from Him, and announce to you, that God is light, and darkness in Him is not at all...” And here is the rub for the unbeliever—to gain said fellowship is to walk in the Light, which is to walk in God's ways (“A Letter of Invitation”, “Be Holy”), the very God that is rejected: “....and if in the light we may walk, as He is in the light -- we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son doth cleanse us from every sin...” No cleansing, no holiness, and thus no fellowship with holy God. The unbeliever, by default plodding along in the darkness, is therefore out of fellowship with God: “...if we may say -- 'we have fellowship with Him,' and in the darkness walk – we lie, and do not the truth...” In other words, here is self-deception (for God is certainly not fooled, though others might be for a season); there is in fact no fellowship with God here; nor can there be with God's people, for there is nothing held in common, at least. The matter is serious, because being out of fellowship with God can bring Death, seeing that God sources Life (“Children of the Resurrection,” “Psalm Sixteen Commentary”).

Now let us consider this from the perspective of the believer, which is probably the audience John (the Holy Spirit) had in mind. The same self-deception may prevail, but for other reasons. When a saint chooses to Sin, and practice the same, they too are plodding along in the darkness, and are, therefore, similarly out of fellowship with God; moreover, they are out of fellowship with their brethren, for that which was “held in common” beforetime now rests largely with the brethren and not with the wayward saint. Here especially may hold God's words concerning self-deception, for a saint may be more apt to discount their Sin in the name of self-righteousness. But the striking difference to the unbeliever is that the saint has recourse by way of Christ since as a saint they claim Him as their redeeming Savior, which acclamation by God's redeeming grace makes them a saint in the first place: “... and if in the light we may walk, as He is in the light -- we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son doth cleanse us from every sin...” (Isa 53:11, Rom 3:23-26, “Righteous Faith”). Thus it behooves the wayward saint to straightaway get back into the Light. So how then does one walk in the Light; practically, what is meant here? It is to walk in the ways of Jesus Christ, for precisely He is said Light ( 2Cr 4:6, “Be Holy”). We are walking in the Light when we are “in” Christ (Jhn 15:5, Rom 8:1, 9, 2Cr 5:17).


1:8-10-I Must Needs Confess


YLT TEXT: if we may say -- 'we have not sin,' ourselves we lead astray [19], and the truth is not in us; if we may confess [20] our sins, stedfast [21] He is and righteous [22] that He may forgive [23] us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness; if we may say -- 'we have not sinned,' a liar [24] we make Him, and His word is not in us. (1Jo 1:8-10; cf. Neh 1:6, 9:2, “Nehemiah Chapter One Commentary”).

COMMENTARY-Notice the sobering cause and effect contrasts of this passage:

Verse eight puts confession of sinlessness like unto being a liar to oneself: “...if we may say -- 'we have not sin,' ourselves we lead astray, and the truth is not in us...”,

verse nine puts confession of sin like unto sinlessness, by way of forgiveness: “...if we may confess our sins, stedfast He is and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness...”,

verse ten puts confession of sinlessness this time like unto calling God a liar: ”...if we may say -- 'we have not sinned,' a liar we make Him, and His word is not in us....”

Whence the self-deception of verse eight and the blow against God of verse ten? The vain utterance of sinlessness that establishes these follows because the truth (God, His reality) is nowhere within: “...and the truth is not in us...”, and because His Word is nowhere within: “...and His word is not in us...” [25]. Truth and the Word of God—these belong together and are characteristically GOD. That is, quite naturally it follows that the vain sinner that sees no sin in themselves has no notion of God whatsoeverfor the holiness of God is the metric over against which Sin finds expression, and Truth and Holiness are made lucid by the Word of God—though they no doubt fancy themselves to be quite righteous here by their own metrics (Luk 18:9-14) and the metrics of their idols round about them (here Satan the father of lies is doing an evil thing—may Jehovah God strike him for every evil assault).

Well, that brings us to verse nine, which we save for last so as to relish it all the more, and dwell on it some—here is repeated that blessed verse:

... if we may confess our sins, stedfast He is and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness...”

What a terrific Word of encouragement from God (this wretch of a sinner is sure glad to hear these words). For starters, please note that this verse applies exclusively to the believer in Jesus Christ, for He is the sinner's intermediary to Father God (Jhn 14:6; “A Letter of Invitation”). Moreover, He Jesus is the believer's Intercessor and High Priest at the right hand of Father God (Intercessor-Isa 53:12, Hbr 7:24-25, 1Jo 2:1, et al., High Priest-Psa 110:4, Hbr 2:17, 3:1, 4:14, 5:8-10, et al., at right hand of God-Mar 16:19, Act 7:55, Hbr 1:3, 8:1).

It is not as though the Christian believer is perfect—far from it (as the beloved unbeliever is oft quick to point out). We are perfected in Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, but we are still clothed in flesh, and as long as we are thus clothed we are going to sin (Ecc 7:20, Mrk 14:38), and therefore offend God, God only knows how often. But, we have recourse, by the blood of Christ, as John says earlier in this chapter (1Jo 1:7—surely walking in the Light and confession of sin mean the same thing). Yes, recourse through the Intercessor Jesus, by way of heartfelt confession and repentance ( Psa 51:7, 17; it must be genuine and sincere). Let us thank God for it; we thank thee Father God for this cleansing Grace. Dear Christian friend whom I admire and love and serve, when we sin, let us straightaway confess our sin/s (“An Open Walk with God”), so that fellowship with our blessed God is ever vibrant and vital, filled with the unspeakable joy that attends such a blessed relationship.

Thank you for making a way great savior God; praised be thy holy Name.


Illustrations and Tables


                                                                                   Figure 1. Jehovah Holy God of Light.


Works Cited and References

A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

An Open Walk with God.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Be Holy.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Blue Letter bible.

Linguistics Tools.

Children of the Resurrection.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Diffuse Sky Radiation.”


< >



< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on First John chapter one.

< >

John Chapter One Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen .

< >

John Chapter Three Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen .

< >

McGee, J.V.

Commentary on First John chapter one.

Nehemiah Chapter One Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >


New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.

New Living Translation.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois.



< >

Psalm Sixteen Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Rayleigh Scattering.”


< >

Righteous Faith.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Wolfram Research.

Mathematica Drawing Tools.

Young's Literal Translation.

The YLT is in the public domain.



1. Beginning-Strong's G746. The furthest reaches of eternity past (the Hubble telescope has not quite located said beginning by the way! But every believer in Jesus has located that “endless Beginning”...). The subject, our Lord and Savior, the awesome One, the intelligence and power behind creation, the very mind of God—yea, God Himself, even Jesus, “was” in the beginning.

2. Heard-Strong's G191. As related to the sense of hearing. Verbal usage is Perfect tense (actually “second” perfect—same as perfect tense—completed action), active voice (subject is acting) indicative mood (statement of fact). '...This awesome God incarnate—we heard His utterances—they resounded in our ears!...'

3. Seen-Strong's-G3708. As related to the sense of seeing. Verbal usage is perfect, active , indicative. '...The great God incarnate—we saw Him with our own eyes, looked upon Him day after day!...'

4. Behold-Strong's G2300. The Greek is cognate with “theater.” To watch, look upon intently, interestedly (as opposed to a passing, nonchalant glance). This bespeaks of capturing the attention of the onlooker/s. How could it be otherwise when God incarnate is the Subject?! It further suggests study, which means that the texts coming from these disciple onlookers are the studious records of their studied Subject. Verbal usage is aorist tense (simple past tense in context), middle voice (action that folds back on self, “reflexive”), indicative mood.

5. [did] Handle-Strong's G5584. Actually grab hold of, as in a hand shake for example, or a hug maybe. '...The Master put His hand on my shoulder and we talked a bit today; I stretched out my hand and helped my Lord up the side of the hill as we climbed it together today...' John's testimony defies docetism (that Jesus was not a real person, but only an apparition, seemingly human but not truly so; cf. Jhn 20:24-29). Docetism (from DOKEIN-”to seem”) is thought to be a Gnostic heresy (Gnosticism was only brewing around the time of john's writings—it came into its own in the second century AD).

6. Word [of the life]-Strong's G3056+G2222. LOGOS (Word)+ZWH (Life)=IHSOUS (Jesus). Praised be His holy Name. Light (God is Light) like unto the Word catalyzes (even eternal) Life.

7. Manifested-Strong's G5319. Made accessible, known, plain, visible, etc. Verbal usage is aorist tense, passive voice (subject is being acted on) indicative mood.

8. Testify-Strong's G3140. Testify; witness, give witness to. Verbal usage is present tense (ongoing action), active voice, indicative mood.

9. Declare-Strong's G518. Declare, proclaim, report. Verbal usage is present, active, indicative.

9a. Father-Strong's G3962. Father God Jehovah, Father of all (Eph 4:4-6).

10. Fellowship-Strong's G2842. Partake in and of that which is held in commoncommunion in this way.

11. Joy-Strong's G5479. Extreme happiness, gladness.

12. Message-Strong's G1860. Announcement, message is good in context.

13. Announce-Strong's G312. Announce, make known.

14.Light-Strong's G5457. The holiness of God. In the interest of the theological thrust of the commentary, you may wish to focus on the red font that follows and not necessarily on the more technical black font. Light is an apt descriptor of God. (a.) It largely travels like a wave but interacts with matter like a “particle”—the latter (particle interactions with matter) involves precise, tangible packets of energy called “photons,” which (the photons) are in fact the very construct “light” that is here being described. That is to say, technically light consists of photons. In this way, identically as energy, it is understood to be inherently of one nature (even though it travels like a wave and interacts with matter like a particle—these are the same thing—either energy “on the fly” [as a wave] or energy interacting with matter [as a particle]). Any given energy of these photons is proportional to a frequency—and for visible light different frequencies largely relate to different colors—the higher frequencies being more blueish and the lower frequencies being more reddish. Loosely put, our sky is blueish for example owing to photon effects related to the scattering of sunlight by atoms in our atmosphere (ninety-nine percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen and oxygen, and then there is also dust, pollen, pollution, water vapor, etc.; moreover, note that sunlight is comprised of a range of frequencies from red to blue). Since blueish frequencies are more readily scattered by the atoms in the atmosphere than the reddish frequencies, the eye perceives these blueish frequencies (the net effect of the scatter makes every atom act like a small antenna radiating blue light)—best seen of course while the sun is largely overhead—our beautiful blue sky that we all love so much; and sunrises and sunsets are reddish because as one’s location on earth spins toward or away from the sun, the sunlight travels farther though the atmosphere before reaching the eye at one's location (because the light is here tangentially aligned with the atmosphere, compared to the overhead alignment which is more perpendicularly aligned and thus shorter)—and since the atmosphere steadily scatters “out” the readily scattered blueish frequencies from the sunlight, this leaves largely the reddish frequencies to paint (illumine) the atmosphere in the dramatic and magnificent ways that they do. Is this not a beautiful Design? Amen; praised be our Creator God, an Artist par excellence, at least (Psalms 65:8)! But together with the visible range of frequencies of light, “light” in its fullest sense comprises a vast spectrum of frequencies, most of which relate to invisible light (that which lies beyond both the red and blue ends of the visible spectrum). (b.) Its energy catalyzes life. (c.) It suffuses (light cannot be constrained or localized in space—it defies such effort). (d.) It reveals the finest details by way of penetrating scatter (the greater the frequency the greater the resolution—light beyond the blue end of the visible spectrum has great resolving power). (e.) Light is trueit ever travels in straight lines (in three dimensional fixed space over long distances when not constrained somehow—in the four-dimensional, curved, or changing space of A. Einstein [where massive objects curve space for example] it travels in a geodesic, which is the shortest-path-distance in the curved space equivalent of fixed rectilinear Euclidean space)—if it is somehow constrained or localized in space as said, it deviates from the straight line path and spreads out, defying said constraint (it has this spreading tendency or wave motion in general as said in [a.]). (f.) It always travels the path of “least time” (quintessential efficiency), which is by default the path of least resistance. (g.) The angles of incidence and reflection to and from a regular, plane surface are equal (no bias). (h.) It is accommodating in that it bends as it passes from one transparent material to another (it speeds up or slows down so to speak depending on the material—in a vacuum across large distances its speed is constant at~3.00x10^8 meters/second, which is a limiting, or maximal [cannot be usurped] speed for information and matter according to special relativity [God is by very definition not thus constrained of course—sovereign creator God Jehovah determines and establishes boundaries and constraints]). But these are mundane things. What is meant here is as said—the holiness of God, which encompasses some of these things, and much more of course (Fig. 1).

15. Darkness-.Strong's G4653. There where light is altogether blocked is darkness. Here is the antithesis of holiness (Light); here is Evil, and its vehicle Sin, and by default, Death.

16. [may] Walk-Strong's G4043. Manner of life; consistent, determined practice of the same. Verbal usage is present tense, active voice, subjunctive mood (communicates possible action [that which might be done/ may come to pass]).

17.Truth-Strong's G225. God's reality—the reality that He qualifies.

18.Cleanse-Strong's G2511. This is an either-or scenario—one is either cleansed or not—the text relates that the blood of the Cross in fact cleanses; cleanses from every sin. Verbal usage is present, active, indicative. Notice the present tense (ongoing action), and the indicative (statement of fact). The cleansing power of the Blood of Christ is ever in force for His own.

19. Astray-Strong's G4105. Self-deception is meant. Verbal usage is present, active, indicative.

20. Confess-Strong's G3670. Admit Sin, sinning in context; agree with God about it. Verbal usage is present, active, subjunctive (part of an if<>then construction here).

21. Stedfast-Strong's G4103. Faithful. God is faithful to His promises, whatever the circumstances might be; here He is faithful in His dealings with the penitent sinner as the further text shows.

22. Righteous-Strong's G1342. In the sense of just. How so? It is the blood of Christ that pays/paid for Sin; God is “legally free” to forgive Sin (because He Himself paid for the debt that He levied against the sinner [Rom 6:23]). The penitent sinner is forgiven on the basis of Christ's redemption, which justifies God's forgiveness—no “letting down the bar'' here—Sin did cost someone something, and that someone was God (the gravity of this is that every sin cost Him dearly, because He had to pay for every single sin; God knew we could not pay for our sins—only He could do that in order for the payment to meet His holy requirements; that is why Christ's sacrifice is so weighty for humankind, seeing that it makes possible fellowship with a holy God—recall that according to His own definition of Himself He is Light and cannot engage Darkness [=none is found in Him-1Jo 1:5]). What a massive debt of gratitude we owe our great savior God. Redemption cost God, but it is free for the asking for whosoever wills it (Jhn 3:16, “A Letter of Invitation”).

23. Forgive-Strong's G863. Please see also note twenty-two. Verbal usage is second aorist (largely the same as the first aorist—probably the cumulative aorist is meant—that which begins at a distinct point and continues), active, subjunctive (the mood is subjunctive because there is a contingency, namely, confession of sin).

24. Liar-Strong's G5583. One uttering falsehood. God says that all are sinners (Exd 32:8, Psa 14:3, Rom 3:23, et al.). To claim that one is not a sinner is tantamount to calling God a liar.

25. Probably “us” extends to both believers and unbelievers, for both may be guilty of the self righteousness that sees no sin within. But if the Word and the Truth are not in the believer, one must wonder if they are really a believer. That the Word and the Truth are not in the unbeliever is to be expected.


                                                        English (transliteration)-->Greek Character Mapping

























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