
I. Introduction

II. Psalms One Commentary Verses

1:1-3-Thy Truth Doth Warm My Heart Father God, It Is My Principal, My Exceeding Delight

1:4-6-The Wicked, Lost Forever, and Ever, and Ever—Poooooof—Just Like That

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1 Two Manners of Life+

Works Cited and References


English to Hebrew Character Mapping

I. Introduction

Our purpose is to render a commentary on psalm one, probably a psalm of David (it is not explicitly ascribed to him in the text)—a psalm about life—how to live it; guidance for living (cf. A similar theme in the following, many ascribed to David: Psa 15, Psa 19, Psa 26, Psa 36, Psa 37, Psa 49, Psa 50, Psa 52, Psa 82, Psa 101, Psa 112, Psa 119, Psa 125, Psa 127, Psa 128 [psalms list compiled by Balchin 100]).

We will follow this format:

II. Psalms One Commentary Verses

1:1-3-Thy Truth Doth Warm My Heart Father God, It Is My Principal, My Exceeding Delight

YLT TEXT:O the happiness [1] of that one, who Hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked [2] . And in the way of sinners [3] hath not stood, And in the seat of scorners [4] hath not sat; But -- in the law [5] of Jehovah is his delight [6], And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night: And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither, And all that he doth he causeth to prosper[7]. (Psa 1:1-3).

COMMENTARY: In these verses the Word of God stands two manners of life shoulder to shoulder, arrays them thus, and then directs its tried and tested, its discerning Wisdom onto each; shines its discerning and penetrating Light onto each, hangs each in the Balance of its Truth, and thus judges the spiritual and physical Efficacy of each. Arrayed before us are two manners of life and the players thereof. One manner is unholy, its players given over to the company and the counsel and the course of the wicked (Godless); given over to Sin, delighting therein, standing anti-God; thus standing fast, proud, independent of God. The other manner is holy, its players given over to the company and the counsel and the course of the God fearing and God, given over to Obedience, delighting therein, standing pro-God; thus standing fast, humble, dependent on God. Here fits humankind, rubbing shoulders with one, or the other, of these two manners of life, thus living out our individual lives, one way, or the other (Mal 3:18, Fig. 1).

But there is more said than that in these verses—the stage is but set at this point. These verses reveal a precedent. It is the precedent of our great savior God, Jesus, sanctified; the blessed One (ESHER [Hebrew], MAKARIOS [Greek]): “...O the happiness of that one, who Hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked. And in the way of sinners hath not stood, And in the seat of scorners hath not sat; But -- in the law of Jehovah is his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night...” It is precisely for us, His people, a precedent (“Be Holy”, “The Beatitudes”). A Precedent anticipated (the blessed Spirit of Jehovah God spoke through David [2Sa 23:1-2], who we believe penned these verses). Our Precedent reveals yet, no less, a Precedence: “...But -- in the law of Jehovah is his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night:...” Here shown is the priority that sources all Blessing.

We must by God's grace discern (1) what said blessedness is—this is one of our goals (for a right understanding of this blessedness will prevent our feet from treading onto the dry riverbeds of false hope in attaining it; of misplaced hope in attaining it, and the spiritual and physical frustration that stems from that dearth)—and (2) why it is here connected with shunning all manner of evil—this is our other goal—or, said differently, why it is here connected with an intimate tether to God, the Word of God, for a right understanding of (2) guides our attainment of (1).

As concerns our first goal, this blessedness tangibly is: '...One's planting, one's planting as a tree by streams of water...' (one chooses to be planted precisely there). Notice: Thus is the Word of God, a stream, a Life stream (Isa 55:1-3, “Isaiah Chapter Fifty-five Commentary”), it is a holy fountain; a wellspring from which to draw, in one's generation, to the blessing, even Salvation, of others: “...that giveth its fruit in its season...”, to the glory of God. Thus this blessedness has a horizontal manifestation and a vertical one. It extends beyond self, to others (horizontal), for the blessed purpose of Salvation, to the glory of God (vertical). And self? What of self? Self is delighted. Is exceedingly delighted, to thus commune, even participate, with their God; yea, embracing said Precedent, Precedence; embracing, bearing fruit (Jhn 15:5); embracing, holding close, fast. O so delighted: “... But -- in the law of Jehovah is his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night...” Delight unspeakable to thus commune with Him, be taught by Him, be directed by Him, work for Him, learn about Him; blessed Truth. Father God be praised, loved.

And again as concerns our first goal, this blessedness tangibly is: '...One's planting as a tree by streams of water whose leaf does not wither...' (cf. Eze 47:12, Rev 22:2). Here is the promise of Salvation—life eternal in the manifest presence of Jehovah God (“Children of the Resurrection”). It is the promise of the efficacy of the Life stream beside which one has chosen to be planted, and from which one delights to nourish oneself, and others: “... But -- in the law of Jehovah is his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night: And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither...” Where the leaf does not wither remains the possibility for fruit, and Life.

Yet once more as concerns our first goal, this blessedness tangibly is: '...One's attainment of bushel-baskets, indeed, overflowing bushel-baskets of harvest...' Overflowing bushel-baskets of lives redeemed unto Salvation; overflowing bushel-baskets of real treasure (Pro 15:6): “...And all that he doth he causeth to prosper...” Here is the promise of the Word of God, that facilitating, sustaining Life issuance; that Life stream, of blessedness, beside which one chooses to plant oneself, so as to be ever near God, to ever feed on Him, because one much delights in Him, His Truth (Psa 71:22), His manner of Life (here is Treasure).

As concerns our second goal, restated:

Why is it that blessedness as discussed follows from an intimate tether to Jehovah God, His Word?

An intimate tether to God betrays a disposition that loves what He loves and hates what He hates, (“Be Holy: Tab. 2”), which disposition by default resonates with His ways, His Word; nay more, is informed by His Word. Such a tether betrays an exceeding delight in God, a passionate love for Him, and thus cannot help but delight exceedingly in His ways—and the ways of God are made lucid to mortals by His Word: “.... But -- in the law of Jehovah is his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night...” Yea, by day and by night—simply cannot get enough, because of Who is behind that Word, the very One whom we love and adore so, and seek to get close to, to learn ever more about, to share with others, for much mutual blessing, to His glory. When one loves God, one loves His ways, and looks high and low to find them, seeking Him; and when one has found them, one cannot get enough of them, because one has found Him, to one's saturation in the very Word that elucidates His ways, Him. Thus redounds blessedness to a lover of God (here is a Positive feedback loop if you will), for such a one by God's grace finds God in His Word (here by definition is satiety). Blessedness accrues to lovers of God (Psa 37:4)—this is the design of God. Praised be our God, even Jehovah God.

And as concerns the treasure that is found in the house of those who love God, that is found in the house of the righteous: “...And all that he doth he causeth to prosper...”, how does that follow from an intimate tether to Jehovah God, His Word? Well, it got there precisely because said righteousness issued forth from an intimate tether to God (“Righteous Faith”)—it is the passport righteousness of our great savior God Jesus Christ, accruing to those that love Him; to those that manifest salvific faith in Him, which presupposes an intimate tether to Him (“Where the Rivers Meet”).

1:4-6-The Wicked, Lost Forever, and Ever, and Ever—Poooooof—Just Like That

YLT TEXT: Not so the wicked: But -- as chaff [8] that wind driveth away! Therefore the wicked rise [9] not in judgment [10], Nor sinners in the company of the righteous [11], For Jehovah is knowing [12] the way of the righteous, And the way of the wicked is lost! [13] (Psa 1:4-6).

COMMENTARY: “...Not so the wicked...” To what is the comparison made?

...And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither, And all that he doth he causeth to prosper ...”

Not as a tree planted by rivulets of water, rather as a tree planted in a parched and desert place (here is a Godless place), wanting, ever wanting; not as a tree yielding its fruit in its season, but rather as a tree fruitless, barren; not as a tree whose leaf does not wither, but rather as a tree whose leaf withers, crumbles and disappears—pooooof, gone forever; a skeleton of a tree, a dead tree; and no real Treasure to be found in the house, but Consternation.

These verses are completely loaded with condemnation, condemnation of the wicked (preferentially Godless)—it could hardly be thicker. Every utterance is a desolation, a disappearance; bleak, sorry, hopeless (lest one misses it—thus is one forewarned)—so is the lot of the wicked.

They are scattered, like chaff is scattered and disappears—pooooof. When a wicked one meets their end, they are gone forever; the window of Opportunity (Jhn 3:16, “A Letter of Invitation”) closes, slams shut—thus the Word of God declares here very specifically: “...Not so the wicked: But -- as chaff that wind driveth away...” So what if a wicked one's memory persists “lovely” in the company of the wicked for a time after their demise (many a wicked cherish the thought)? Said wicked one is Gone, pooooof, just like that, no recourse; pooooof, gone forever (Job 14:21, Psa 49:14, 92:7); condemned: “...Therefore the wicked rise not in judgment...” Notice: The wicked rise not. Pooooof, gone forever, for the consummate good of the Elect: “Nor sinners in the company of the righteous...” (“Jacob I Loved, But Easu I Hated”). And again: “...The way of the wicked is lost...” Pooooof. The wicked, they play thee the fool Father God, they wag the tongue at thee, but thou knowest: ”...for Jehovah is knowing...” Thou remainest, but they, fools (Psa 14:1, 49:20), disappear, pooooof. The Righteous, blessed, praise thee Father God, yea, forever, and ever, and ever, whom thou hast redeemed, to be with thee, forever; sweet Blessedness.

Praised be thy Name Father God Jehovah, we thank thee, and love thee exceedingly, thy manner of Life; thy Reality, thy Truth (“Ti Estin Alhqeia?” [what is truth?]).

Illustrations and Tables

                                                        Figure 1. Two Manners of Life.


Works Cited and References

A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Be Holy.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Balchin, John, gen. ed.

The Compact Survey of the Bible.

Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1987.

Blue Letter Bible.

Blue Letter Bible Linguistics Tools.

Children of the Resurrection.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >


Jesus, Amen.

< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on Psalm One.

< >

Isaiah Chapter Fifty-five Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Jacob I Loved, But Esau I Hated.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

John Chapter Three Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

McGee, J.V.

Commentary on Psalm One.


New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.

O, That Name!

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Righteous Faith.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

The Beatitudes.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Ti Estin Alhqeia?

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Where the Rivers Meet.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Wolfram Research.


Young's Literal Translation.

The YLT is in the public domain.


1. Happiness-Strong's H835. Compare the Greek “MAKARIOS” ( Strong's G3107; “The Beatitudes”). Here is an excellent state of being. It comes from an intimate tether to Jehovah God that loves what He loves, and hates what He hates (“Be Holy”).

2. Wicked-Strong's H7563. The wicked are characteristically ungodly (the King James version uses this descriptor). Here is what Matthew Henry says of the wicked: “The word which we translate ungodly signifies such as are unsettled, aim at no certain end and walk by no certain rule, but are at the command of every lust and at the beck of every temptation“ (Henry). We understand the wicked to be those that are determinedly anti-Jehovah God (Job 21:14, Psa 10:4, Jer 9:3, et al., this is the sense we have in mind in our references to the wicked above), thus they snub His Salvation (Christ), His counsel, His laws, His person, and His people. The motivations of their hearts and the deeds of their hands then frame this bent, quite naturally. It is probably apt to say a word about the secular (preferentially Godless, unchurched) notion of “wicked” so as to draw a sharp, meaningful contrast right here: Usually it means to secular people some nasty, or terribly hideous deed, or thus motivated person. But by God's definition, though hands down He agrees that nasty and terribly hideous deeds are wicked, and perpetrated by wicked people, anyone who snubs Father God Jehovah and His Christ is wicked, for (1) This is what God declares, (2) that Rejection leaves in place personal Sin (and Sin is the hideous dynamic behind wickedness), and is of course (3) a foul, nasty wellspring of Sin, for it is a rejection of God's holiness constraint (Matthew Henry's definition fits here). The secularist assesses wickedness by personal standards of what is “wicked” in their eyes—inherently individualistic norms that more or less fit into a set of norms concerning wickedness that the secular world has come to embrace and by which it assesses wickedness per se. But nay—wickedness at the heart of it is rejection of Father God Jehovah and His Christ (here is a protasis)—the abbreviated (self-serving we think) secular notion of wickedness manifests (the apodosis) hard on the heels of that, quite naturally (we must get the order of things correct here). Foremost, the wicked prefer to be without Father God Jehovah and His Christ. This, their “reality,” then licenses to them the Godless motivations of their hearts, as also oftentimes the nasty and terribly hideous deeds of their hands (by this thinking the apparently most “refined and cultured,” the apparently most “prim and proper” individual may actually be as wicked as Godless wickedness can be). Let us prayerfully witness the Gospel to them, even twice, thrice, but have nothing else to do with them when they reject that witness (thus they reveal themselves); let us determinedly flee from them at that point lest by and by they pull us under with themselves (Pro 4:14-15, Luk 13:27, Rom 16:17-18).

3. Sinners-Strong's H2400. Matthew Henry: “The word for sinners signifies such as are determined for the practice of sin and set it up as their trade” (Henry). It goes without saying that the wicked are sinners, and sinners are wicked (see note two just above). Determined, preferential disconnectedness from Father God Jehovah and His Christ is a wellspring of Sin. It is like freefall into the abyss of Sin. Why? Because by that disconnectedness the Sin-restraining power of God is by personal choice set at naught. If as said in note two the wicked prefer to be without Father God Jehovah and His Christ, it is so that they may with seared conscience avail themselves aplenty of personal fancies and pleasures that are at odds with God's holiness constraints.

4. Scorners-Strong's H3887. Mock, deride. “The scornful are those that set their mouths against heaven.” So Matthew Henry. Who but the exceedingly proud, the not so smart, would mock and deride God—His ways, His Word (manifest in Christ), and His people? Do they not understand that they, as do we all, live life ever instant unto eternity; live life ever on the threshold of eternity, which eternity is the domain of the very God they wag the tongue at? But then the latter is the very reality the scorner sets at naught, laughs at.

5. Law-Strong's H8451. Torah is used specifically, so the literal sense must be the Law of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. This covers a vast array of Law (not all of this five-book record is Law in the strict sense). Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law (Mat 5:17), thus we get a clearer understanding of the sense through the Gospel. The Gospel shines Light on the Law. Notice that Jesus summed the Law up so: 'Heartfelt love of God and fellow human being' (Matt 22:36-40, Jhn 14:15) (a theological aside: All of us are pretty much regular Law breakers to some degree [once-in-a-while, hourly, or maybe daily, weekly, maybe monthly, Rom 3:23...where do you and I fit here?]—thus all of us are in need of Redemption [a onetime event] to attain unto Salvation “A Letter of Invitation”).

6. Delight-Strong's H2656. That which warms the heart.

7. Prosper-Strong's H6743.

8. Chaff-Strong's H4671. Chaff is a light thing, not substantive at all.

9. Rise-Strong's H6965. The context bodes well for resurrection unto Life.

10. Judgment-Strong's H4941. The ultimate separation of the righteous and the wicked. Because Jesus bore the judgment of Sin, the wicked (preferentially Godless, without Christ) must necessarily bear their own Sin—thus they stand condemned, judged, by default. Jesus will be the Judge (Jhn 5:22, Act 17:31) at the final Judgment here inferred.

11. Righteous-Strong's H6662. None are righteous before God in and of their own merit (deservingness, worth) (Rom 3:10). The righteous owe their righteousness to Jesus Christ, a God-Standard imparted (righteousness cannot be earned, it is imparted-“Righteous Faith”, “John Chapter Three Commentary”).

12. Knowing-Strong's H3045. Jehovah God is omniscient. Psa 139:1-4, 147:4-5, Jer 12:3, Nah 1:7, Mat 6:6, 10:29-30, Jhn 1:48, et al.).

13. Lost-Strongs H6.

                                           English (transliteration) to Hebrew Character Mapping

















(Capital i)


































Legend: black= primitive consonants; red and magenta= weak primitive consonants—red =weak guttural primitive consonants, magenta=weak guttural primitive consonants sometimes; blue =vowels: short, changeable long, unchangeable long, reduced, on a per row basis top to bottom.