
I. Introduction. 1

II. Psalms Twenty-Four Commentary Verses. 1

24:1-2- To Jehovah is the Earth and its Fulness, the World and the Inhabitants In It 1

24:3-6- Who Goeth up into the Hill of Jehovah? And Who Riseth up in His Holy Place?. 1

24:7-10- Who is the King of Glory? The LORD Strong and Mighty, the LORD Mighty in Battle, the Lord of Hosts. 1

III. Illustrations and Tables. 1

Figure 1. The King of Glory Must Be Granted Admission. 1

Works Cited and References. 1

Notes. 1



I. Introduction

This blessed Psalm is a Psalm of David. Perhaps it was occasioned by David bringing the Ark of God to Jerusalem | Mount Zion (1Chronicles 15:1-3). It is the third of a three-Psalm Melody that resounds the great Name, even Jesus: Psalms Twenty-Two, He, Jesus the Lamb of God, forsaken, humiliated, in the throes of death (Psalms 22); Psalms Twenty-Three, He, Jesus the Slain Lamb, descended into the valley of death, that shadowy place, into which He descended but for a time, to conquer, conquer Death (Psalms 23); and the subject of our study, Psalms Twenty-Four, He, Jesus the Lamb in the center of the Throne (Revelation 5:6, 7:17), resurrected, ascended, upon His Throne—in heaven, in the hearts of His people; He, Jesus the King of Glory! Praised, ever praised, be His blessed Name.


We will follow this format:


Verse of Scripture utilizing the YLT text followed by an NASB mouse over of that verse. Key words in the YLT text will be footnoted with a link to a word study based on the Hebrew text, and/or a general discussion relative to the given word (we are not biblical Greek or Hebrew scholars, please consider our grammatical constructions with a critical eye).


Commentary We shall be commenting on this passage keeping before us at all times the crucial fact that every jot and every tittle comprising these verses came forth under the inspiration of the blessed Holy Spirit. We pray that He, by His grace, helps us along the way.


II. Psalms Twenty-Four Commentary Verses

24:1-2- To Jehovah is the Earth and its Fulness, the World and the Inhabitants In It

YLT TEXT: A Psalm[1] of David. To Jehovah[2] is the earth and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it. For He on the seas[3] hath founded[4] it, And on the floods[5] He doth establish[6] it. (Psalms 24:1-2, cf. Psalms 24:1-2,NLT).


COMMENTARY: These opening verses set the tone for what follows. They are more than a blessed chorus of praise, they are intended to give the reader the right perspective, the right perspective with respect to the One, Jehovah, whom these introductory verses praise by way of declarative praise right fast followed up with descriptive praise. The declaration—Jehovah owns every tangible thing and then some: ”...To Jehovah is the earth and its fullness, the world and the inhabitants in it...”. The description—He Jehovah is the mighty Creator and Upholder of the same: “...For He on the seas hath founded it, and on the floods He doth establish it...”. This chorus of praise must needs put sound minds and soft hearts in reverent awe—fear—of the Subject of this blessed praise, even Jehovah God. And in such a frame of mind, and bent of the heart, alike intersecting in the fear of the Lord, one is prepared, by the Spirit of God who penned this introduction through His servant David, to engage the remainder of the verses.

Specifically, we are told that there is One, Jehovah, who owns everything we hold dear. From the material world around us to our very person. He owns it all. What is the right perspective to be gained from this understanding? That which we think we own is but ours on loan: “...To Jehovah is the earth and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it...”. Jehovah God is Owner, because He is Creator: “...For He on the seas hath founded it, And on the floods He doth establish it...”. The dust of the earth, even the fullness thereof, the dust from which we are made, and to which we return, belongs to Jehovah (Genesis 3:19, Psalms 89:11-12, 119:90). The Spirit of God wishes that our hearts and minds have the right perspective concerning Jehovah God for what follows; let us then prayerfully engage the balance of the verses in the fear of the Lord.


24:3-6- Who Goeth up into the Hill of Jehovah? And who Riseth up in His Holy Place?

YLT TEXT: Who goeth up into the hill[7] of Jehovah? And who riseth up in His holy place[8]? The clean of hands[9], and pure of heart[10], Who hath not lifted up to vanity his soul[11], Nor hath sworn[12] to deceit. He beareth[13] away a blessing from Jehovah, Righteousness from the God of his salvation[14]. This is a generation of those seeking[15] Him. Seeking15 Thy face, O Jacob! Selah. (Psalms 24:3-6, cf. Psalms 24:3-6, NLT).


COMMENTARY: What mere mortal may attain to this Creator, Owner, and Upholder Jehovah is the question He asks here: “...Who goeth up into the hill of Jehovah? And who riseth up in His holy place?...”. Maybe a person of valor? Or of great feats, a mighty one, bold? One like those mythological heroes attaining to their so-called deities? Maybe one exceedingly learned, or renowned? One wealthy, or perhaps one hyper-religious? Not necessarily: “...The clean of hands, and pure of heart, Who hath not lifted up to vanity his soul, Nor hath sworn to deceit...” (cf Isaiah 56:1-2, “Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Six Commentary,” “The Beatitudes”). But, specifically who are such as these? They are lovers of Jehovah God (the right bent of the heart): “...This is a generation of those seeking Him. Seeking Thy face, O Jacob!...” (cf. Psalms 27:8—seeking God’s face is a heart affair as David testifies here). To such a one, that is, to a lover of God, seeking, attaining, attaining Him, is lent another parcel Jehovah owns, an exceedingly precious parcel He owns: “...He beareth away a blessing from Jehovah, Righteousness from the God of his salvation...”. And there we have it, the attainment we spoke of before (attaining God) comes not by personal merit whatsoever. This Creator, Owner, and Upholder Jehovah, formidable, and to be feared, is attained to by grace (thus we must add Gracious, at least, to Creator, Formidable, Owner, Upholder, etc.); attained is He by the one bearing the blessing of His righteousness (= imparted clean hands, lips, pure heart, etc.), which through the time of the writing of this Psalm by David was secured by the blood sacrifices offered to God by the high priest on behalf of the people Israel, with whom Jehovah was accordingly pleased to tabernacle (=attainment), but since the day of Jesus Christ, it is secured by the blood sacrifice of Jesus the High Priest on behalf of His people Christendom, with whom Jehovah is accordingly pleased to tabernacle (Hebrews 7:24-28, 9:11-14, “A Letter of Invitation” unto said attainment).


24:7-10- Who is the King of Glory? The LORD Strong and Mighty, the LORD Mighty in Battle, the Lord of Hosts

YLT TEXT: Lift up, O gates[16], your heads[17], And be lifted up, O doors age-during[18], And come in doth the king of glory[19]! Who is this -- 'the king of glory?' Jehovah -- strong and mighty, Jehovah, the mighty in battle. Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory! Who is He -- this 'king of glory?' Jehovah of hosts[20],[21] -- He is the king of glory! Selah. (Psalms 24:7-10, cf. Psalms 24:7-10, NLT).


COMMENTARY: Please consider first these words given to us by the triune God Jehovah through His servant Malachi:

Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts (Malachi 3:1, KJV).

And again, with a few interspersed questions this time:

Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: [Question: Who is my, and me, in context; we are after this: which person of the Trinity is speaking? It is Messiah Jesus; and the way-preparing messenger spoken of—not to be confused with the messenger of the covenant—is John the Baptist Matthew 17:10-13] and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple [Question: Who is the Lord here? Again, it is Jesus, referring to Himself], even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in [Question: Who is the messenger of the covenant in whom we delight? It is Jesus, still speaking, still referring to Himself]: behold, he shall come, saith [Strong’s H559] the LORD of hosts. In other words, thus saith the LORD of hosts, which is the One still speaking, Jesus.


We went through all that to get to this: The Godhead is co-equal in every conceivable way; Father God is the LORD of hosts no more or less than Jesus is, and Jesus is the LORD of hosts no more or less than the Holy Spirit is (“He Who Sent Me” for a fuller discussion). That is why we understand the LORD of hosts to be the triune Jehovah God. In Joshua 5:13-15, a member of the Godhead, with sword drawn, appeared to Joshua (this was no angel, for He accepted Joshua’s bowed-down worship), and identified Himself as the Commander of the LORD’S hosts; this was probably the pre-incarnate Jesus, showing Himself strong and mighty, showing Himself Jehovah, mighty in battle—compare our text: “...Who is this -- 'the king of glory?' Jehovah -- strong and mighty, Jehovah, the mighty in battle...”. All of this has a bearing on our commentary verses, because we want to understand clearly and confidently who the LORD of hosts is, because, He is also the King of Glory, and therefore He is the King of Salvation: “Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory! Who is He -- this 'king of glory?' Jehovah of hosts, -- He is the king of glory! Selah...”. So, it is Jehovah of hosts; Jehovah of hosts is the King of Glory, and in our passage, Jehovah of hosts, the King of Glory, is manifestly the second person of the Godhead, Jesus. In our passage, Jesus is being identified by one of His myriad blessed titles: The King of Glory (and of course as Jehovah of hosts, “O, That Name!”).

This King must be granted admission. Heaven, that ancient abode of His, rightly knows well to do so: “...Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory!...”. One can imagine how those doors swung wide open to embrace Him, welcome Him, upon His resurrection and subsequent ascension. But down here, this not quite so ancient abode He established upon the seas, has largely not known right well to do so, particularly in this modern age, which not only shows Him no due reverence and awe—fear of the Lord—but pleases itself to mock Him and His people, and remove anything Christian from its sight. Dear friend, He Jesus must be granted admission (like so Psalms 25:1), because He does not force Himself into one’s heart—He but stands at the door and knocks (Revelation 3:20, “A Letter of Invitation”). You see dear friend, we mean it well for you, when we say—Jesus will not confer His Glory upon you, unless you grant Him admission, and without His Glory, God shall not grant you admission into His presence (Romans 5:1-2, Revelation 21:23-27). Here is Jesus, the King of Salvation; Jesus, the King of Glory: John 17:24.


Praised be the Lamb of God in the center of the Throne, even the King of Glory! Amen.


III. Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1. The King of Glory Must Be Granted Admission (Psalms 24:9, YLT, cf. Revelation 3:20).


Works Cited and References


A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

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< >

Blue Letter bible.

Study tools.

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< >

He Who Sent Me.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on Psalms Twenty-four.

< >

Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Six Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >



< >

McGee, J.V.

Commentary on Psalms Twenty-four.

< >

Morris, H.M.

The Genesis Flood.

Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1961.

Morris, H.M, with J.C. Campbell.

The Genesis Record.

Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976.

Mount Zion.”


< >

O, That Name!”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Plate Tectonics.”


< >

Psalms Twenty-Two Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Psalms Twenty-Three Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Righteous Faith.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >



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< >

The Beatitudes.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Young's Literal Translation.

The YLT is in the public domain.



(words under study are highlighted)


[1] [A] Psalm [of David]-Strong’s H4210. Sweet music, of the type that exudes from the heart, exuding, upward, heavenward, Godward, in praise and adoration. Praised be thy Name great Jehovah God. Amen.

[2] [To] Jehovah [is the earth and its fullness, the world and the inhabitants in it]-Strong’s H3068. Transliteration of the original Hebrew Yahweh. The blessed Name; the blessed Name above all names. It is the Name of the eternal One, the great I AM, who lives forever (“He Who Sent Me”).

[3] [For He on the] seas [hath founded it]-Strong’s H3220. Please consider also. The oceans make sense in context.

[4] For He on the seas] hath founded [it]-Strong’s H3245. Bespeaks of constructing, doing, making, setting a bedrock foundation in the midst of the seas. Note Genesis 1:10, Psalms 104:5-9, in the context of Creation. Verbal usage is Qal (simple action), perfect (completed action referenced to Creation in context).

[5] [And on the] floods [He doth establish it]-Strong’s H5104. Please consider also. Rivers and streams make sense in context because these bring life-sustaining waters to the land thus establishing and characterizing it through all its myriad life forms ever needful of these waters. Without rivers and streams (and seas) the earth would have no character, it would look like our moon. And there is a meteorological cycle at work always, the seas, by which the landmasses are surrounded, source these life streams, and it is the seas to which our rivers and streams return (ongoing action, which we will see in the next footnote).

[6] [And on the floods He] doth establish [it]-Strong’s H3559. Establish, characterize, lend a pleasant peculiarity to (cf. the moon, mars, etc.; if there is water there it is presently scarce [there is certainly not much life-practical and whatnot liquid water flowing around on these cosmic wastelands]—nothing like what we enjoy on this jewel of a planet God has made and lovingly given us to enjoy and steward). Verbal usage is polel (nuanced piel—intentional action here), imperfect (ongoing action referenced to Creation [past time]—this characterization of God’s good earth continues by way of His rivers and streams; this was an intentional act on Creator God Jehovah’s part [specifically the agent of creation, Jesus, upon whom this blessed Psalm is centered], an intentional act intended to endure as long as His good earth in its non-reconstituted form is allowed to endure).

[7] [Who goeth up into the] hill [of Jehovah? Literally, Mount Zion. More spiritually, there where, wherever, Jehovah God is pleased to dwell.

[8] [And who riseth up in] His holy place? Literally, the Tabernacle, the Temple. More spiritually, precisely there where, wherever, our God tabernacles.

[9] [the clean of] hands. Those things down there about one cubit removed from the elbow, an elbow that bends and twists and contorts so as to place these things just so to accomplish, to do, this, and that, and the other: maybe good (clean), maybe not so good (unclean), maybe outright evil; an elbow, and ultimately hands, that follow the lead of the heart.

[10] [and pure of] heart. The spirit’s central processing unit (CPU) This CPU is tethered to the hands, and the feet, and the tongue and so on. More fundamentally, it is tethered either to Jehovah God (thus it is pure), or Satan (thus it is certainly not pure), and the works of the hands and the feet and the tongue and so on betray this more fundamental tether. O my the heart. A pure heart, by default tethered to God; it is the “thing” Jehovah God is keenly interested in when it comes to His interests with humankind (“A Letter of Invitation”).

[11] [Who hath not lifted up to vanity his] soul. The seat of emotion, tethered to that CPU we mentioned (note ten), emotions that manifest with the likes of passion, passions, passionate affections, of the soul, to this (vanity | idol), or that, or the other, Jehovah God; which is it in your life dearest reader? Please allow us to invite you yet again to turn your heart, even the passions of your soul, to Jehovah God, through Jesus Christ, by whom we know God definitively, and have ready and welcome access to Him (“A Letter of Invitation”).

[12] [Nor hath] sworn [to deceit]. Here now comes the tongue into play. We have had the hands, the heart, the soul, and here now is this little member (of the whole) brother James discomforts us in regard to, by silencing it and speaking to its bare truth, showing it to us as we wish it weren’t (“James Chapter Three Commentary”). It betrays us, betrays our heart, that CPU of the spirit. It betrays the sorts of things we process, much process, and sooner than later much act out, and straightaway spew forth by way of that little member of the whole, the tongue. Here in context is mentioned deceit, nay worse, if that be possible, deceit under oath, which implies a belittling of the Name of Jehovah God upon whose Name one swears. Here is an unclean heart. Deceit is of Satan, that unclean thing, for he is the father of lies (and a murderer too, from the beginning says our Lord, who has whipped that unclean thing, that liar and murderer, John 8:44-notice here the evil desires, passions we mentioned).

[13] [He] beareth [away a blessing from Jehovah]-Strong’s H5375. Blessings from Jehovah are borne, shouldered—the picture is that of exceeding blessing, a load of blessing. That is the way we like to look at this one. Verbal usage is Qal, imperfect. Note the imperfect!

[14] Righteousness from the God of his salvation. That (said righteousness), is exceeding blessing (per note thirteen, “Righteous Faith”).

[15] [a generation of those] seeking Him. Seeking thy face, O Jacob!]-Strong’s H1875, H1245, respectively. The former bespeaks of “sticking with it [continuity in the same],” much seeking; the latter has the sense of fastidious “delving into,” “peeling back the layers,” “getting after it” so as to attain to. Verbal usage for the former is Qal, active participle (subject is acting in continuity, the action is unbroken), and the latter is Piel (intensive action), participle (simple unbroken [intense, quite intentional] action). Note the Piel. The two instances come together to give the sense of passionately longing, an insatiable longing for, one’s Beloved, even Jehovah God. Ever tuned in to Him; ever learning about Him; ever working for Him; ever pushing back the envelope of one’s love for Him, in this way, ever engaging His love. Ever placing Him squarely on the throne of one’s heart.

[16] [Lift up, O] gates, [your heads]-Strong’s H8179. Please consider also.

[17] [Lift up, O gates your] heads-Strong’s H7218. Some ancient doors were hinged on top and bottom allowing for entry per the situation (this provided for wide-open entry). Here in context is probably communicated the notion of “entry” per se.

[18] [And be lifted up, O doors] age-during-H5769. In one sense ancient, as in the very gate and door of heaven through which the eternal King of Glory Jesus exited, and reentered per His resurrection and ascension; in another sense, we like everlasting, as in heaven’s gates and doors ever wide open now per Jesus’ Salvation.

[19] [And come in doth the king of] glory-Strong’s H3519. See also. The Glory of God is intrinsic to His nature—everything about Him is glorious in this sense. It follows that His presence radiates this glory (the Shekinah Glory for example). We can look at it another way too. Salvation is life eternal in Jehovah’s presence, in His glory. Thus, not so subtly, the King of Glory is the King of Salvation. Who is He dearest reader?

[20] [Who is He – this ‘king of glory?’ Jehovah of hosts -- He is the king of glory! Selah]. We believe that the LORD of hosts is the triune Jehovah God, manifestly so in the Godhead-person of Jesus Christ (cf. Joshua 5:13-15—surely here is the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ visiting Joshua, identifying Himself as the Commander of the LORD’s host [notice that He accepts the bowed-down worship of Joshua, as rightfully owed Him, owed Jesus, deity]).

[21] [Who is He – this ‘king of glory?’ Jehovah] of hosts, He is the king of glory! Selah—H6635. We like armies (angels and otherwise, for example, Christian spiritual soldiers).