
I.     Introduction. 1

II. Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Two Commentary Verses. 1

52:1-6- Not by Money Are Ye Redeemed. 1

52:7-10- Jehovah Hath Made Bare His Holy Arm Before the Eyes of All the Nations. 1

52:11-12- Going Before You is Jehovah. 1

52:13-15- For the Life of the Flesh is in the Blood,And I Have Given It to You on the Altar to Make Atonement for Your Souls. 1

III.       Illustrations and Tables. 1

Figure 1. It is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement. 1

Works Cited and References. 1

Notes. 1



I. Introduction


The reader may wish to peruse our commentary on Isaiah, chapter fifty-three, as a preparatory introduction to this commentary.


This prophetic chapter of Isaiah is a pivotal one. A door on its hinges swings open here, swinging from captivity and dismay and sorrow in chapter fifty-one (Isaiah 51:1ff), through the pivotal verses of our chapter fifty-two, unto the freedom and relief and jubilee made possible by the Arm of God found in chapter fifty-three and spoken of here (Isaiah 53:1ff). We shall see that the Arm of God, holy, bared and bloodied, turns, indeed opens this door. We shall step through that door in the course of this commentary and behold God’s oft-promised Grace that lies on the other side, thus stepping across the threshold from chapter fifty-one to chapter fifty-three; from anguish and captivity and sorrow and dismay, to the rest and liberation and restoration and jubilee brought in by the Suffering Servant behind Jubilee.


We will follow this format:


Verse of Scripture utilizing the YLT text followed by an NASB mouse over of that verse. Key words in the YLT text will be footnoted with a link to a word study based on the Hebrew text, and/or a general discussion relative to the given word (we are not biblical Greek or Hebrew scholars, please consider our grammatical constructions with a critical eye).


Commentary We shall be commenting on this passage keeping before us at all times the crucial fact that every jot and every tittle comprising these verses came forth under the inspiration of the blessed Holy Spirit. We pray that He, by His grace, helps us along the way.


II. Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Two Commentary Verses


52:1-6- Not by Money Are Ye Redeemed


YLT TEXT: Awake[1], awake, put on thy strength, O Zion, Put on the garments of thy beauty[2], Jerusalem -- the Holy City[3]; For enter no more into thee again, Do the uncircumcised and unclean[4]. Shake[5] thyself from dust, arise, sit, O Jerusalem, Bands of thy neck have loosed themselves, O captive, daughter of Zion[6]. For thus said Jehovah[7]: 'For nought[8] ye have been sold, And not by money are ye redeemed[9]. 'For thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'To Egypt My people went down at first to sojourn there[10], And Asshur -- for nought he hath oppressed it[11]. And now, what -- to Me here, An affirmation[12] of Jehovah, That taken is My people for nought? Its rulers cause howling[13], -- an affirmation of Jehovah, And continually all the day My name is despised[14]. Therefore doth My people know My name, Therefore, in that day, Surely I am He who is speaking[15], behold Me.' (Isaiah 52:1-6, cf. Isaiah 52:1-6, NLT).


COMMENTARY:  Awake, awake, put on thy strength, dearest reader, put on the garments of thy beauty, dearest reader—enter thou into the Holy City (”A Letter of Invitation,” “Be Holy,” “Psalms Twenty-Nine Commentary”).


Zion, that high hill, is here brought low: weak, face in the dust, dirty garments. Not very beautiful. The default condition, even posture, even “reward,” of contention, of enmity with Jehovah God. Not very beautiful. A Captive State. But this chapter as said above is a pivotal one in this regard. A manifest turning is declared, is soon afoot on the mountains. O the Grace of God, so beautiful. Invigorating, strengthening, beautifying, Grace: “…Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion, Put on the garments of thy beauty, Jerusalem -- the Holy City…”. Whence this beautifying Grace? It comes from the God of compassion, the Lover of Souls, even contenders[16], forgiving.


Strength, and beauty, are here married together. The one buttresses the other and vice versa. We may understand it spiritually in general, but physically as well in the immediate context of Captive Zion. Devoid of each, face in the dust, Zion in Her plight shall be restored unto the strength of Beauty and the beauty of Strength. How so? Profane things, even contentions with and enmity toward Jehovah God, this profanity, weakens and disfigures a people, a person. Sin does this. Grace, the Grace of God, appropriated, this rebirth, strengthens and beautifies, beautifies and strengthens, a people, a person (John 3:1-3, “John chapter Three Commentary”). Here is rest, liberation, and restoration unto Strength and Beauty, unto Beauty and Strength. Here is Gospel Grace (Salvation): “…For enter no more into thee again, Do the uncircumcised and unclean...”. Only in this way, this non-entry, is Salvation (life eternal in the presence of holy God) realized. In the immediate context, a more mundane salvation is afoot. Captive Judah would soon be liberated, restored, and given rest from the turmoil of Captivity. Again, no longer a Captive State here, but a Jubilee State (Psalms 126:1-2, “Jesus Our Jubilee”), precisely the Grace State, the Salvation State, beautiful, strong.


Beatification, the beautifying, begins by shaking off the dust (“The Beatitudes”). It takes strength to do this. The picture is that of lying face down in the dust here. Pretty (but not so pretty) helpless. And then from that prone position, up a bit; arising, and finally, sitting. My, what a Journey, those few moves, finally sitting, when one is at first face down in the dust. Whence the strength to shake off the dust here, such that captive bands might loose themselves along the way, arising, sitting? A Strong Arm, holy, and bare, as we shall see presently (Isaiah 51:9, 53:1): “…Shake thyself from dust, arise, sit, O Jerusalem, Bands of thy neck have loosed themselves, O captive, daughter of Zion…”. Finally, we are sitting. But we must needs soon stand in the Way.


Grace in the Way, gets us to our feet in the Way. But first came a whipping (Isaiah 51:17). A “good” one if you will, an unforgettable one. Sprawled out; face in the dust. Then, only then, arising, sitting. “Licking the wounds;” thinking it over; praying it over; standing in the Way; Grace.


As the Trial, so the Grace, each to the sinner comes for free: “…For thus said Jehovah: 'For nought ye have been sold, And not by money are ye redeemed…”. Jehovah God put this whipping on His Covenant People of that day[17], it cost them only their Sin, which has no value (Sin is a depreciating value-construct; it has negative-trending value). What Sin here? Even as their captors despised God’s Name (for example, Daniel 5:23), so they had despised that blessed Name, “all day long.” That is, for a long time, before He finally stepped in to save the sinking “CovenantShip”. Satisfied, secular, secure, snobs these particular Covenant People, so-called; fat, feistily forgetful; they forgot Him: ‘…you love your idols so much?, here, have your fill of them. You despise my Name so much?, here, listen to those who have you under their thumb despise my Name, get your fill of it, you who are called by my Name; and why do you suddenly call on my Name to redeem you?!…’. But still He redeemed His Covenant People by His Grace, certainly; it cost them only His labors and Sacrifice: “…And now, what -- to Me here, An affirmation of Jehovah, That taken is My people for nought? Its rulers cause howling, -- an affirmation of Jehovah, And continually all the day My name is despised...”. Despised, “coming and going,” by His own, and by His enemies. But His own are here in this Captivity Caldron learning the exceeding value of that Name. So sad and tragic that the important, valuable things in life oftentimes can only be appreciated after spending some time in the Captivity Caldron. Such a difficult, hard, painful lesson, is not necessary (“A Letter of Invitation”).


Well, Covenant People weak and ugly, ugly and weak right here, and largely not owing to the humiliations put on them by their adversary Babylon, but sprawled out, face in the dust, owing to the humiliation of a self-inflicted sick soul before the Lover of their souls, whom they despised in their affluent, secular security (the court, the nobles, the priests!, the rulers; the “lowly” and the poor whom these others fleeced and preyed on and marginalized were not taken into Captivity by the way; but of course all suffered greatly at Nebuchadnezzar’s hands—Judgment inevitably touches everybody when it comes). Time for an attitude adjustment so that the Covenant People might look like Covenant People—strong, and beautiful; beautiful, and strong, retethered to Jehovah God. And please look, here it comes aright adjusted, Omniscience gets it right again: “…Therefore doth My people know My name, Therefore, in that day, Surely I am He who is speaking, behold Me.'…” (red font added). It took a howling-calamity, howling voices, their own, to sober them, to motivate them to get refamiliarized with His Voice[18], His saving Arm; to get them refamiliarized with His Name: “…Surely I am He who is speaking, behold Me…”. This is not: ‘…Thus says the LORD…’, as we find often in other settings in Scripture, rather: ‘…It is I, the Lover of your souls, the God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the One who delivered you with a mighty hand beforetime, as now; the One you discounted, and forgot, and dishonored…’. O the precedent here for Covenant Peoples. Let us cherish and honor and love that Name Jehovah, and let us dwell on it often, and put Him uppermost, high on the throne of our hearts, and central in our minds. Let us attentively listen and hear His Voice in His Word (John 1:1, 14), thus honoring Him. And let us not forget His Deliverance/s.


52:7-10- Jehovah Hath Made Bare His Holy Arm Before the Eyes of All the Nations


YLT TEXT: How comely[19] on the mountains[20], Have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings[21], Sounding[22] peace[23], proclaiming good tidings, Sounding salvation[24], Saying to Zion[25], 'Reigned hath thy God.' The voice of thy watchmen[26]! They have lifted up the voice, together they cry aloud, Because eye to eye they see[27], in Jehovah's turning back to Zion. Break forth, sing together, O wastes[28] of Jerusalem[29], For Jehovah hath comforted[30] His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem. Jehovah hath made bare[31] His holy arm[32] Before the eyes of all the nations, And seen have all the ends of the earth, The salvation of our God. (Isaiah 52:7-10, cf. Isaiah 52:7-10, NLT).


COMMENTARY: In the introduction we mentioned that this prophetic chapter of Isaiah is a pivotal one, and the verses of this section specifically are why. The further context in the following sections makes it clear that rest, liberation, and restoration—this Grace—is afoot on the mountains at two levels; one concerns Captive Judah, the other concerns Captive Humankind, the former grace being a type of the latter Grace. And the Pivot, is Jehovah’s bared, holy Arm: “…saying to Zion, ‘Reigned hath thy God.’…” (“The Sovereignty of Jehovah God), for on precisely that Arm turns a sad, Sorry State at both levels into a joyous, Jubilee State at both levels (“ Isaiah 51:9-11, 53:1, Jesus Our Jubilee”). It all starts with a proclamation; really good news, jubilee news, is afoot: peace (the war is over, rest may flourish) and salvation (liberation and restoration) are at hand: “… How comely on the mountains, Have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings, Sounding peace, proclaiming good tidings, Sounding salvation…” (Song of Solomon 2:8, cf. Romans 10:14-15). And notice if you will another sort of pivot—what a turn here from the previous verses, where in their secure, settled state they barely turned a watchful eye toward the things of Jehovah, His Name, but after a while in the Captive Caldron, when things got bad enough for a “howling”, howling voices, my how watchful they became, and sounded an altogether different voice: “…The voice of thy watchmen! They have lifted up the voice, together they cry aloud, Because eye to eye they see, in Jehovah's turning back to Zion…”. Hardly can these watchmen be reckoned with that nasty lot that could have cared less about Jehovah’s Name. It is good to be a watchperson, it says something about the Tether (“Matthew Chapter Twenty-Five Commentary: Watch Therefore, for Ye Have Not Known the Day nor the Hour in Which the Son of Man Doth Come” [loving God, as preparedness to meet Him, is a today-thing]). Anyway, the glory is God’s here, because He “stuck with them” through it all, bearing long, in their (Covenant People, so-called) negligent, even offensive concern for His Name, and then pulled them out of the flames so to speak: “…eye to eye they see, in Jehovah’s turning back to Zion…”. And again: “…For Jehovah hath comforted His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem…”. The prophetic text speaks globally here as well though we think: “…Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm Before the eyes of all the nations, And seen have all the ends of the earth, The salvation of our God…” (cf. Luke 3:6, Acts 8:34-35). All this jubilee news is factual, and is directly applicable to once Captive Judah and to once Captive Humankind (“A Letter of Invitation”). Praised be thy Name great savior God of Good Turns, thou blessed, bloodied, Pivot. Amen.


52:11-12- Going Before You is Jehovah


YLT TEXT: Turn aside, turn aside, go out thence, The unclean touch not, go out from her midst, Be ye pure[33], who are bearing the weapons[34] of Jehovah. For not in haste do ye go out, Yea, with flight ye go not on, For going before you is Jehovah, And gathering[35] you is the God of Israel! (Isaiah 52:11-12, cf. Isaiah 52:11-12, NLT).


COMMENTARY: Salvation is good, is great, is terrific, and when it comes, it is time to move on, because, after all, it is now possible to do so: “…For not in haste do ye go out, Yea, with flight ye go not on, For going before you is Jehovah, And gathering you is the God of Israel!...”. Jehovah, the God of Good Turns, before and aft (cf. Exodus 14:19). Moving on, at His pace, just right; thus, moving on, in lockstep with Him. Easy, His pace. Perfect, His pace. Doable, His pace. Military drill field paces—disciplined, orderly; honor, integrity; courage, loyalty; purity, as befits a soldier of God, thus following our Captain, the Captain of (even our) Salvation, bearing His weapons, His sacred things: “…Be ye pure, who are bearing the weapons of Jehovah. …”. Time to leave the old behind, and engage the New, at His pace, just right, easy, perfect, doable: “…For not in haste do ye go out, Yea, with flight ye go not on, For going before you is Jehovah, And gathering you is the God of Israel!...”. Leaving the old behind, engaging the New: “…Turn aside, turn aside, go out thence, The unclean touch not, go out from her midst…” (“Be Holy”). Of course, many in the immediate context were loath to be gathered unto Jehovah; were content to “stay in Babylon,” thus pacing, more palatable paces, just like their kin in spirit beforetime wanted to “pace back to Egypt,” to slavery, but God says here, when I bring my Salvation, GET OUT, move on, at My pace, in lockstep with Me. Definitely, get out (“A Letter of Invitation”).


52:13-15- For the Life of the Flesh is in the Blood, And I Have Given It to You on the Altar to Make Atonement for Your Souls


YLT TEXT: Lo, My servant[36] doth act wisely[37], He is high[38], and hath been lifted up, And hath been very high. As astonished[39] at thee have been many, (So marred[40] by man his appearance, And his form by sons of men.) So doth he sprinkle[41] many nations. Concerning him kings shut their mouth, For that which was not recounted[42] to them they have seen, And that which they had not heard they have understood! (Isaiah 52:13-15, cf. Isaiah 52:13-15, NLT).


COMMENTARY: This is a difficult section. Don’t know what to say here or where to start. Better start the right way. My sin caused my Lord this misery and hurt and pain. He bore long with me, in my negligent, even offensive concern for His Name. And then He pulled me out of the flames at such great cost to Himself. How can I, we, be worth that much?


See how Father God speaks of His Servant, of His Beloved, the Beloved Suffering Servant Jesus: “…Lo, My servant doth act wisely, He is high, and hath been lifted up, And hath been very high…” (cf. Isaiah 49:7, 53:11-12). Coming out of eternity past this Beloved Suffering Servant, High. He, high, on the highest plane, His normative existence, as God; in this way, coming out of eternity past, high. Very high; deity, here addressed as incarnate: “…He is high, and hath been lifted up, And hath been very high…”.


Wisdom dwells with such a One—the LogoS (John 1:1-2)—consummate high-plane wisdom. He acting, that is, serving (John 1:14), wisely (“Be Holy”). The Standard here; knowledge, wisdom, understanding, holiness. The Word of God. Very Wisdom, thus acting, wisely, in concert with His nature. But precisely how? Acting wisely, precisely how? Wisdom, is servile. But not servile per se, servile to and for the good cause of and for the sake of, out of love for, and respect for, and concern for, Father God. The Fear of the LORD here, consummate Fear of the LORD. In this way, the Beloved Suffering Servant manifestly acted wisely (Isaiah 53:5, 10, John 19:30): “… As astonished at thee have been many, (So marred by man his appearance, And his form by sons of men.) So doth he sprinkle many nations…”. Consider please the Divine Will here from eternity past: “…For it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement…” (Leviticus 17:11, Fig. 1). In this way, the Beloved Suffering Servant, Wisdom, the Sacrifice on God’s Altar (Hebrews 13:10), sprinkles the nations, making atonement, servile, ghastly—to that extent—on behalf of Father God, for you and me dearest reader, whom He purchased at such a great cost to Himself. Thus did Jehovah God. But why? Here is Divine Love, that  High Standard, with arms wide open, in this manner arms spread on the cross-beam, holy, bared, bloodied, as fighting for you and me, indeed, as embracing, even embracing you and me dearest, beloved, reader (John 3:16, 1John 4:9-10, “A Letter of Invitation”).


Praised be your Name great savior God, Blessed Sacrifice of God, for us, whom we adore and love and thank; multiplied thanks, so inadequate. Amen.


Illustrations and Tables


                                                                    Figure 1. It is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement (Leviticus 17:11).



Works Cited and References


A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

“Be Holy.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Covenant People.”

Jesus, Aman.

< >


Jesus, Amen.

< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Two.

< >

Holy Week.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

 “Isaiah Chapter Seven Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Three Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Jesus Our Jubilee.”

Jesus, Amen.


McGee, J.V.

Commentary on Isaiah Chapter Fifty-Two.

 Psalms Twenty-Two Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Psalms Twenty-Nine Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Qal” (linguistics).


< >

The Beatitudes.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

The Sacred Zone.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

The Sovereignty of Jehovah God.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Young's Literal Translation.

The YLT is in the public domain.


Notes (words and phrases under study are highlighted)


[1] Awake-Strong’s H5782. Arise, stir. The implication is that of stirring from a state of lethargy and weakness, here no doubt owing to the mourning and despair attending captivity, to a state of enthusiastic action per some good news causal as the further context makes clear. Verbal usage is Qal (simple action—Qal presents a form of the verb that is grammatically unmodified by action [Qal is “simple” in this respect]), imperative (direct address command). Note the imperative.

[2] [Put on the garments of thy] beauty-Strong’s H8597. Jerusalem’s beautiful garments have an excellent sash that on one end is tethered to Jehovah God in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 29:1-2,YLT, Psalms 149.4); thus, are they beautiful. But when that sash gets ripped, when that tether is broken, uncomely become these garments, inevitably, like unto sackcloth and ashes, which dirty and mean threads She presently was wearing in Captivity. But please notice carefully that God here wants His people to mend that sash, that tether, and put on their beautiful garments again; as we shall see, precisely He provides these beautiful garments. One must embrace His fashions.

[3] Jerusalem – the Holy City. Jerusalem is the Holy City because the Holy One of Israel Jesus Christ ministered there and wrought Salvation on a hillock in the outer confines. Thus, too, is Jerusalem beautifully attired (in the beauty of [His] holiness). See also.

[4] The uncircumcised and unclean. Literally, pagan society round about Israel | Jerusalem. Spiritually is meant the Godless (their garments are not beautiful, not even a little bit).

[5] Shake [thyself from the dust, arise, sit, O Jerusalem]-Strong’s H5287. Verbal usage this time is Hithpael (reflexive nuance of the Piel—that is, bestir thyself, not just a little bit, but intensely— “get going, favorable change is afoot”).

[6] O Captive, daughter of Zion. Jerusalem, sacked, plundered, by Nebuchadnezzar—not looking very beautiful here, but Captivity has a way of setting the stage for God to beautify some.

[7] [For thus said the Lord] Jehovah-Strong’s H3068. The Eternal One. The great I AM. The Eternal One speaks omnisciently by default. It is befitting that it is said of Him: “…thus says the LORD…”. Thus says Jehovah. Not maybe, not probably. Thus.

[8] [For] nought [ye have been sold]-Strong’s H2600. For nothing. Defeat leaves the defeated with no substantive bargaining power. Thus, is defeated Judah, dragged away (sold) into Captivity here, “for free.” This intimates God giving over Judah into the hands of her enemy (cf. Isaiah 51:17ff in the chapter just before). Alternatively, perhaps is meant “for no fault of Her own” is She sold into Captivity, but the sins of God’s people here would seem to bode otherwise (Isaiah 6:8-13 for example).

[9] [And not by money are ye] redeemed-Strong’s H1350. We like ransomed in context. Money is a (not very beautiful) human-thing. Redemption of the kind that God purchases knows nothing of money or any other human “value-construct” if you will. Redemption is God’s glory (it is His Work; He wears it as a captive-studded Liberation Crown), and, as His glory, it is beyond human valuation. Verbal usage is Niphal (simple action with the passive voice), imperfect (incomplete action per a past [redemptive] initiative—ongoing action in that respect). Note the imperfect—it speaks volumes here.

[10] To Egypt My people went down at first to sojourn there. See “Goshen”.

[11] And Asshur – for nought he hath oppressed it. See “Isaiah Chapter Seven Commentary.”

[12] [An] affirmation-Strong’s H5002 [of Jehovah]. Affirmation is good. That which Jehovah God utters, declares, is an affirmation of the same by default. Verbal usage is Qal, passive participle (ongoing action in present time). Note the participle.

[13] [That taken is My people for nought? Its rulers cause] howling-Strong’s H3213. (cause) wailing. Verbal usage is Hiphil (relates causative action and thus the unmodified/simple Qal verb form is not utilized in context), imperfect. Note the imperfect in this context—what a picture of ongoing misery.

[14] [And continually all the day My name is] despised-Strong’s H5006. Despised times two actually—by Jehovah’s people in their low estimation of His Name (no fear here) and blasphemed by Jehovah’s enemies (Babylon, their captors) in exultation at His recalcitrant people’s defeat and thus supposedly Jehovah’s defeat, His supposed impotence. Despised is pretty good both times because to blaspheme God’s Name is to despise it. Verbal usage is Hithpolel (causative, intensive and quite intended—like unto the Piel with a causative nuance), imperfect. Note the ongoing nature of this blasphemy communicated by the imperfect. In fact, that would seem to be a major communique here—notice some of the other text: “continually, all the day”. There is good agreement in this text grammatically and contextually as to the extent of this twofold blasphemy (the Captivity blasphemy was acute for seventy years, the Covenant People blasphemy was long in the making, much longer than seventy years, ending in manifest Captivity).

[15] [Surely I am He who is] speaking-Strong’s H1696. [behold Me]. The root here is word; speaking a word, the words of God, no doubt the Word of God, speaking.

[16] Just to be clear, we speak here of mortal rebels, not the spirit-creatures that rebelled. That unclean thing called Satan and his cronies are irredeemably fallen; forever dirty, ugly, and weak. This is the fallen state; this is the cutoff-from-Jehovah-God state, at least.

[17] Exile in Babylon (sixth-century BC). Isaiah (seventh-century BC) declares its character (here and elsewhere), and its end (for example, Isaiah 44:28, 45:1; cf. Ezra 1:1, Jeremiah 29:10, 51:11).

[18] The Shekinah Glory in that day was the Spirit of God in their midst, not least speaking to them.

[19] [How] comely-Strong’s H4998 [on the mountains have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings]. We like beautiful.

[20] [How comely on the] mountains-Strong’s H2022 [Have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings]. From the mountains up high is readily heard that which is proclaimed. And thus, the Gospel is preached from the mountaintops. He who proclaimed, that is, preached, (good) tidings, first on the mountains in Galilee (Luke 4:18), also consummated the same on somewhat a mountain in the outer confines of Jerusalem (John 19:30). O how beautiful those pierced feet! The first, and foremost, Preacher of the Gospel, also established and validated the Gospel. See also.

[21] [How comely on the mountains, have been the feet of one] proclaiming tidings-Strong’s H1319. Preach. Verbal usage is Piel (intently intense), participle. The Piel is terrific here! Preachers of the Gospel must needs be sensitive and sensible ”Piel Preachers”! Notice also the participle—Christians are ever preachers, by our thoughts, our speech, our walk before others whilst under the hair-splitting scrutiny of their microscopes, oftentimes looking for excuses not to embrace the Lord whose Gospel we preach and must needs represent with utmost fidelity. May our Lord help us to have beautiful feet here, like unto His; fidelity feet, beautiful.

[22] Sounding-Strong’s H8085 [peace]. Sound is not bad here. What is the sound of peace? Euphony. The sound of peace issues from the lips of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6). Gospel sounds. Verbal usage is Hiphil, participle. Note the Hiphil, the participle.

[23] [Sounding] peace-Strong’s H7965. Peace is harmony realized. In the natural order it often manifests as higher states of energy tend toward lower states of energy and humanly tractable configurations. In the spiritual realm it always manifests as harmony with Jehovah God, the very embodiment of peace—here self-will and self-deification turbulences are settled by the Spirit of God in Salvation through Jesus Christ. Quintessential peace is life eternal in the presence of Jehovah God going forward (=Salvation; “A Letter of Invitation”).

[24] [Sounding] Salvation-Strong’s H3444. What, then, is the sound of Salvation? Here, literally, is Yeshua (Jesus)!

Does not “The Prince of Peace” reverberate with the sound of Salvation? Amen!

[25] [Saying to] Zion-Strong’s H6726 [Reigned hath thy God]. Jerusalem (hill of), that good high place, O my, that erstwhile stronghold of Judah here in Captivity. See also.

[26] [The voice of thy] watchmen-Strong’s H6822. As a verb here we get looking about, watching, making note of. Verbal usage is Qal, active (subject is acting), participle (ever watching). When will Jehovah deliver us? Against the backdrop of Captivity, this question motivates attentive, continual, watching. There is a precedent here for all Captives (“A Letter of Invitation”).

[27] [eye to eye they] see-Strong’s H7200. All alike they behold, see. Eyewitnesses, of God’s deliverance from an “impossible” situation. Verbal usage is Qal, imperfect. What could the imperfect be indicating here? Maybe it bespeaks a far-reaching Deliverance: in time (going forward; this is the typical application of the imperfect, time), and space (worldwide; this is the exceptional application of the imperfect, space).

[28][ Break forth, sing together, O] wastes-Strong’s H2723 [of Jerusalem]. Heaps; rubble. Jerusalem lay in heaps after Nebuchadnezzar razed it. The captives in exile were “wasted” too in a sense.

[29] [Break forth, sing together O] Wastes of Jerusalem. Those cast out, like so much waste; captives, exiles.

[30] [For Jehovah] hath comforted-Strong’s H5162 [His people]. Just before we were told that Jehovah’s people were howling, it is a good contrast to that here in that they were, are, comforted. Such is the way of Captivity—it is a howling, and only Jehovah God can turn this around into a scenario of comfort. Verbal usage is Piel, perfect (completed action). Note the communicated intent, intensity, in the comforting act by way of the Piel, and the consummate comfort effected by Jehovah as communicated by the perfect. To the day Jehovah wishes to comfort captives. This is in keeping with His nature (“A Letter of Invitation”).

[31] [Jehovah hath made] bare-Strong’s H2834 [His holy arm]. Bare as in revelatory, and bare as though a weapon. Verbal usage is Qal, perfect—why the perfect here? Jehovah need only bare His Arm once to consummate that which His Arm was sent to do ( John 19:30, “He Who Sent Me”).

[32] Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm. This is a direct reference to the sovereignty of Jehovah God, particularly as it is demonstrated by His omnipotence in matters mundane as in the context of Captivity here considered. O but nay, particularly so, in matters spiritual, as in the context of another sort of Captivity likewise throttled by Jehovah God through Redemption | Salvation. In matters spiritual the bared (as in revealed), Holy Arm of Jehovah is, without question, Jesus Christ, who revealed God (Isaiah 51:9, 53:1), and throttled another sort of Captivity (Sin, Satan), having wrought Redemption | Salvation.

[33] [Be ye] pure-Strong’s H1305 [who are bearing the weapons of Jehovah]. In this context we like blameless, as is requisite of those who handle the things of God, be these sacred things what they may. Verbal usage is Niphal, imperative. Note the imperative.

[34] [Be ye pure who are bearing the] weapons-Strong’s H3627 [of Jehovah]. The sacred things of God, like the two-edged Sword of His Word for example ( John 1:1-2, Hebrews 4:12,cf. Ephesians 6:11-17). Vessels is good. Whoever handles the sacred things of God must do so purely, must themselves be pure, like unto the Standard here, The Bared Holy Arm of God, Jesus. A Mighty Weapon is our God. O that holy, Bared Arm, even He, that Sacred Vessel, Pure.

[35] [And] gathering-Strong’s H622 [you is the God of Israel]. Gathering fits the Captivity | Redemption context well. Verbal usage is Piel, participle. Note the intent, intensity of the Piel, the long-term implications of the participle.

[36] [My] servant-Strong’s H5650 [doth act wisely]. Servant is perfect. The Suffering Servant here, Jesus. See also, and also.

[37] [My servant doth act] wisely-Strong’s H7919. We like wisely, for thus the Spirit of the Lord rested upon the Suffering Servant Jesus (Isaiah 11:2). Verbal usage is Hiphil, imperfect. What a terrific spot for the imperfect. Does not the Divine Providence bear this out in all its myriad manifestations across the centuries?

[38] [He is] high-Strong’s H7311. Exalted? Sure. One in the Godhead but above all else? Sure. O but there is so much more—we have a verb here in context. The Suffering Servant does high-plane things. Who but this exceeding Great One taught Paul about things high, high-plane things (“Whatever is Honorable, Whatever is Just, Whatever is Pure…”). Verbal usage is Qal, imperfect—coming out of eternity past, ever High, way up there, is He, the “High-Planer,” (dynamic); the High-Plane Exalted One.

[39] [As] astonished-Strong’s H8074 [at thee have been many]. The further context sheds light here. Thoroughly, utterly, in shock, at the sight of Him. The context tells us that the Suffering Servant Jesus took such a beating, such a brutal beating, and then the crucifixion on top of that, that He no longer resembled a human being. Shocked, horrified, at the sight of Him. And that which He bore in His Spirit, for us, was certainly worse. Imagine. Praised be your blessed Name great savior God. We love you and thank you. Please accept these few terribly inadequate words of adoration and praise and thanks. Amen. Verbal usage is Qal, perfect. O the perfect here. Note the perfect.

[40] [So] marred-Strong’s H4893 [by man his appearance, And his form by sons of men]. Disfigured. Face, and body, disfigured (cf. Psalms 22:1ff).

[41] [So doth he] sprinkle-Strong’s H5137 [many nations]. It is the Suffering Servant Jesus’ blood that is in view, spurting out of His ripped and torn body, to the cleansing of the nations, for the forgiveness of sins, for there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). Verbal usage is Hiphil (that is, Jesus willed it so, and by His Sacrifice, caused it to be so), imperfect. Note the imperfect.

[42] [Concerning him kings shut their mouth, For that which was not] recounted-Strong’s H5608 [to them they have seen, And that which they had not heard they have understood!]. ( Not) infinitesimally spelled out, like unto teaching a five-year old child; nay, like unto: Isaiah 6:9-10, Jeremiah 4:22, 5:21, Matthew 13:13-15. God in His prophetic Word did everything short of drawing infinitesimally detailed pictures for all concerning Messiah (Sacrificial, Suffering; exceedingly marred). Witness the heads-up sacrificial system God instituted, detailed enough for sure, and intended to inculcate by way of repeated implementation across the centuries. Verbal usage is Pual (Piel, passive voice), perfect (thoroughgoing “heads-up” was/is in fact before all, it just is not precisely spelled out for some). That which was/is not precisely spelled out is the identity of the Bleeding Lamb of God (the “Who” of it all, Jesus; it is certainly spelled out in the New Testament, for all, going forward; it certainly is not appreciated by all however, as though it were not precisely spelled out here). The Bleeding Lamb of God’s Sacrifice was instituted for centuries on end and witnessed by Jew and Gentile, by royalty and common folks, for centuries on end, to the day through the biblical record—a characteristically “Piel-perfect” heads-up. These sort of “Piel-perfect” things become cogent for those who live in the sacred zone—then, and now—and for everybody else they are as though not recounted. The good cognition is appropriated, is accepted too late by the latter, and thus finally seeing, forever bear their misery with mouths thoroughly shut (these are largely the same determinedly dull ones that talk atheistic and otherwise sorts of trash about Jehovah God today).