1Thessalonians 5:18


THE SCENARIO EucharistoS is a thanker. EucharistoS thinks of things for which to thank their great Jehovah God. Hardly much thought needed here says EucharistoS,” thank-You things” aplenty come flooding in pretty much all the time. But there are some core thank-You expressions that EucharistoS wanted to share with us in this scenario. Well, thank you EucharistoS, please share your insights.


 In the outworking of this scenario please consider the following thank-You expressions through the first-person pronoun lips of EucharistoS if you will:


Sensitivity Points under Consideration


1.The atoning death of Jesus Christ.

2. Salvation.

3. My Christian Family.

4. The image of my Savior Jesus is taking root in me and is sure to bloom in all its fullness one fine day.

5. Father God had me in mind from the beginning.

6. Giving thanks in all circumstances.

7. Thank You—more than lip service.




1. Thank-You; it is in my name, even EucharistoS, a constant reminder of the atoning death of my Savior, Jesus Christ, says EucharistoS. His (Jesus') body broken, like unto bread, the Bread of Life, broken (John 6:51, 1Corinthians 11:23-24). His blood shed unto forgiveness (1Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 9:22). His ministry of Salvation in satisfaction of the will of Father God (John 17:1-4). When I write my name, I thank Him for this Redemption and all that it makes possible—most assuredly, Salvation: life eternal with Him. Thank You my Lord!


2. The eternal presence and intimacy of Jehovah God’s Spirit. This is my Salvation! It was made possible by my Lord’s atoning death per point one. You are my greatest Reward great Jehovah God, even your presence, intimacy with you, says EucharistoS. I must shout it from the mountaintops, as loud as I can…thank You my Lord!


3. My Christian Family. Such a blessing this Family, the Family of God. A foretaste of the citizenry of heaven here in the land of the living (“Children of the Resurrection”, “A Letter of Invitation”). Thanks to Jehovah God, and this Family, for all the spiritual and physical support. The ministers, and laity—thanks be to God for all of you. We shall abide together forever in our Lord’s presence. What a blessed time we shall have together for a long, long “time.” It was made possible by our Lord’s atoning death per point one says EucharistoS. Let us shout it from the mountaintops as loud as we can…thank You Lord!


4. O to be like Jesus, perfect in every conceivable way; holy, like unto Him says EucharistoS. A child of God like unto Him, a Son, made possible by His atoning death per point one (the passport righteousness of Jesus Christ, “Righteous Faith). Thank You my Lord!


5. In the will of Father God (Exodus 33:17, Psalms 139:13-18, Isaiah 49:15-16, Jeremiah 29:11, 1Timothy 2:3-4, ), from the ”beginning,” as in: “…in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God…” (John 1:1-2). Thus, the Word went forth, that I might know Salvation through Him says EucharistoS, specifically, that Jehovah God and I might be together for all of eternity. This is so terrific. And in the “end,” it was made possible by my Lord’s atoning death per point one. Thank You my Lord!


6. An eternal perspective helps foster a spirit of thankfulness unto God in all circumstances. A myopic view of this present life may foster a sort of thankless bitterness or at best indifference toward God given its brevity fraught with disappointments aplenty. Mortality, an inability to maintain a robust status quo in whatever the setting, and so forth; these things are disappointing, and enough of them, focus on the same, can defeat a spirit of thankfulness toward God. Sure, there is not a little joy too along the way—it is not all bad down here—but so many ups and downs, too many ups and downs along the way it seems. It is hard to be thankful during the “downs” oftentimes. God promises something better—something lasting, an even keel, a sustainable, robust status quo, fraught with joy and ever new pleasant surprises ad infinitum. What a terrific spot to anticipate being in, ad infinitum—that’s the key; that sweet spot is the focus of an eternal perspective squarely centered on the promises of Jehovah God. Nay, squarely centered on the great, eternal God Jehovah behind those excellent promises is the right way to put it. The great, eternal God Jehovah who has revealed Himself, has shown Himself to be real, in Jesus Christ (no pipedream here, no idealistic fantasies if you please says EucharistoS). It helps put this present reality in its proper perspective and, with an eye to the great, eternal God and His promises, helps foster a spirit of thankfulness unto Him in all circumstances. It helps. He helps. We can do it—sing His praises and give Him thanks in all circumstances, thus honoring Him. Thus, does EucharistoS ever try to thank the great, eternal God Jehovah.


7. Let us be sensitive to our "thank You posture" before God says EucharistoS. Is it only lip service? Does it come from the heart? How does it manifest before God: with respect to mundane things like food, shelter, friends, employment, national peace, societal peace, health, you name it; and the weightier spiritual things per the other points above? How does one show God one’s appreciation for all these wonderful things is the pressing question? A glad heart tethered to Him and His requirements (this is love of Him John 14:15)? Sure, that is the right way to go here—thank You comes by way of loving God as best, as fully, as humanly possible ("Be Holy"). A thirsting for Him, like a deer panting for the water brooks (Fig. 1). Thus does EucharistoS unquenchably pant for His eternal Lord, and thank You comes so easily, almost by default (Psalms 42:1—aren’t these words of David the most beautiful you ever read dearest reader! Now that, is thank You!).


Multiplied thanks to You great Jehovah God for the things mentioned and so much more left unsaid. As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You great Jehovah God. Amen.


Illustrations and Tables


                           Figure 1. Thirsting for God is Like unto Thank You.


Works Cited and References


A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

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"Be Holy."

Jesus, Amen.

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Children of the Resurrection.”

Jesus, Amen.

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Righteous Faith.”

Jesus, Amen.

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