THE SCENARIO It was brought to our attention that IliQioS ( “ee-li’-thi-os”) has recently gotten a little worried about their place in eternity. IliQioS wants to go to heaven but doesn’t know how to get there. To their credit, IliQioS thinks there is a heaven, but flat out does not know how to get there. IliQioS is sort of lazy; well, maybe that is not fair to say, because IliQioS is in all respects a hardworking person, except in matters concerning their eternal future. You see, IliQioS is a true, red-blooded modernist that likes to get things done really fast and digging into the nuts and bolts of spirituality is more or less a nuisance to IliQioS, is a nuisance and sort of a waste of their time thought better spent in other ways and, frankly, is sort of beneath them in their estimation (IliQioS is highly educated and is a decorated academic). We felt compelled to help poor IliQioS a little here, and so we put together this quick reference sensitizer specifically for IliQioS.


In the outworking of this scenario please consider the following:




1.   There is a God. His Name is I AM (Yahweh | Jehovah), and He is the true God>>.


2.   Jehovah is a Trinity (Father God (our blessed Papa), God the Son (our Savior unto Salvation, even life eternal in heaven in God’s presence, as opposed to no Salvation and eternal death in hell entirely out of God’s presence), the Timeless Worker Spirit of God (even our Indwelling Helper). So Jehovah is a Trinity, coequal in the Godhead, seamlessly One in quintessential love, itself the defining characteristic of very God>>.


3.   God the Son, Jesus Christ, revealed Jehovah to humankind, and the Spirit of God, the Timeless Worker, continues and will continue to reveal Him precisely to His people>>.


4.    Jesus Christ is the sole/soul Intermediary between God and humankind; there is no other way to God, and thus heaven. Priests, Mary, saints, confessional booths, so-called purgatory, piety/religiosity/works, so-called natural/universal goodness, karma, asceticism, bloodletting, the heavens, the sciences, the humanities, the mystics, the gurus, the occult, secular ideals and philosophies and whatnot, all totally worthless and worse in that regard. Tethering to Jesus Christ as put forth in His roadmap Gospel is the only way to attain to God and heaven (please note that salvific knowledge must be communicated by the Savior, it is not innate, certainly, to fallen, unregenerate humankind –the get something from nothing disease “GSFN” shows up everywhere Sin festers). Thus, repentance of Sin, and faith in Jesus, His claims, and heartfelt obedience to His demands, and commands, are the only way to God and thus heaven and eternal life in His presence (=Salvation). It must be stressed that there is no other way. Jehovah God the Sovereign demands it to be so—and He makes the rules. If one does not like those rules, well, that is on the beholder on into eternity, and it won’t change the rules—they stand with or without one’s approval. Is not death a rule for example, that ever stands? And who by disapproving can change that rule? God can change that rule, per His access here via Jesus Christ alone, that is the point (Romans 6:23)>>.


5.    Jehovah God created everything. (It did not create itself [GSFN, ouch; why does the quantum vacuum have a name if it is nothing, does the Casimir Effect extend to a consummate vacuum so-called, and on and on we go IliQioS].)>>


6.   Jehovah wrote a really good book entitled the Christian Bible that explains everything truly worth learning about and knowing in this life and beyond>>.


7.    There is a place called hell, a place of punishment and unending torment, the furthest thing from a party and a good time with the bad boys one can imagine. Most certainly, not everyone is going to spend eternity in heaven; sadly, a vast multitude will end up in hell, forever. And there is a devil, the archenemy of God; his odious name is Satan, and he is on a leash, it is God’s leash. This Satan is a loser, bigtime. The fool challenged the Sovereign of the Universe, and guess what—he got whupped, he lost, unto eternal damnation. Jehovah put a hook in his nose and thus restrains him, reserved ultimately for a fiery lake for him, and his cronies, and all the wicked dead going back to Adam. And similarly are Satan’s cronies and stooges losers, these that enjoy him and his anti-God ways and love doing his dirty work and cozying up to him. Satan is an unclean, wretched thing that has suckered and will continue to sucker a world predisposed to his misery-loves-company lies until Jehovah God shuts him up, permanently, as promised by God. One last hurrah (?) remains for this wretched, unclean thing—an end-time scenario with great tribulation (prior to the second advent of Jesus Christ is meant)—and then God the Son puts him out of business permanently and slaps him into hell forever along with his cronies. Thence shall eternity future in God’s presence in heaven unfold for precisely the redeemed people of Jehovah God thanks to Messiah Jesus. Do you understand IliQioS? May God help you to understand (Fig. 1). Amen>>.





1.   There is a God Yahweh | Jehovah—Exodus 3:13-14, Romans 1:20, “Jehovah the Living God,” “The Sovereignty of Jehovah God.”

2.   Jehovah is Trinity—Genesis 1:26, John 15:26, “Show Us the Father,” “Great and Grand Worker Divine.”

3.   God the Son Jesus revealed God—John 17:5-8, “He Who Sent Me,” “John Chapter Seventeen Commentary.”

4.   Salvation solely through Jesus—John 3:16, 14:6, Acts 4:10-12, 10:42, 17:30-31, “Children of the Resurrection.”

5.   Jehovah God created everything—Genesis 1:1ff, John 1:1-3, “Genesis Chapter One commentary,” JA Creation Corner.

6.   The Word of God, Scripture, is inspired—2Sa 23:2, 2Timothy 3:16, “Gospels Criticism-1.”

7. There is a hell, a devil, an eternity in either heaven or hell—Matthew 4:1ff, Luke 16:22-26, Revelation 20:11-15 et al. “A threefold Test,” “Get thee Hence Wicked One,” “A Letter Of Invitation.”


Praised be your Name in all the earth great Jehovah God. Amen.




                        Figure 1. Christianity Guide for Dummies.





“A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< http://jesusamen.org/aletterofinvitation.html >

      “A threefold Test.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/athreefoldtest.html >

      Children of the Resurrection.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/childrenoftheresurrection.html >

Genesis Chapter One Commentary.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/commentarygen1.html >

      Get Thee Hence Wicked One.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://development.jesusamen.org/get-thee-hence-wicked-one/ >


      Gospels Criticism-1.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

< https://jesusamen.org/gospelscriticism1.html >

      “He who Sent Me.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/hewhosentme.html >

      Jehovah the Living God.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/jehovahthelivinggod.html >

      John Chapter Seventeen Commentary.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/commentaryjohn17.html >

      “Show Us the Father.

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/showusthefather.html >

      The Sovereignty of Jehovah God.”

                          Jesus, Amen.

                          < https://jesusamen.org/thesovereigntyofjehovahgod.html >