
I. Introduction

II. Psalms One-hundred-ten Commentary Verses

110:1-2-Father God Doth Crush Thine Enemies Blessed Son

110: 3-4-Father God Doth Avow: Forever a Priest unto Thine Art Thou Blessed Son

110:5-7-Whither Thine Enemies in the Day of Thy Anger Blessed Son?

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1 Thine Enemies Becometh Thy Footstool Blessed Son

Works Cited and References


English to Hebrew Character Mapping


I. Introduction

Our purpose is to render a commentary on Psalm one-hundred-ten, a blessed Messianic psalm declaring the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ.

We will follow this format:

II. Psalms One-hundred-ten Commentary Verses

110:1-2-Father God Doth Crush Thine Enemies Blessed Son

YLT TEXT: A Psalm of David. The affirmation [1] of Jehovah [2] to my Lord [2a]: 'Sit [3] at My right hand, Till I make [4] thine enemies [4a] thy footstool.' [5]. The rod [6] of thy strength doth Jehovah send from Zion [6a], Rule [6b] in the midst of thine enemies. (Psa 110:1-2, cf. Mat 22:42-45).

COMMENTARY-Please allow us to begin the commentary on a somewhat negative note; by default, with very little effort on our part, the notes will soon ring positive. In consideration of what follows, notice that Jehovah's enemies are also believers' (”A Letter of Invitation”) enemies.

Who are the enemies of Jehovah God? Jehovah God has an archenemy, and that archenemy is a spirit-creature named Satan (Isa 14:12-14, Rev 12:7-9, et al., “Revelation Chapter Thirteen Commentary”). Let us build an “enemies of Jehovah God pyramid” and put this antagonist spirit-creature Satan at the apex of the pyramid (because this creature is the archenemy). Satan has spirit-creatures that are loyal to him, and so we shall put these creatures just below the apex of said pyramid. Moreover Satan always has loyal flesh-and-blood stooges in their season, and so we shall put these just below next in the pyramid. Of course a stooge, by very title, must carry somewhat less weight here (Eph 6:12), notwithstanding, said stooges belong in this odious pyramid. So much for the negative; let us straightaway by God's grace uncover His positive.

Who can stand before thee Father God when thou barest thy holy right arm (Psa 98:1, Isa 52:10)? Who would thus pretend to stand; would thus pretend to defy thee, thy Word: “...The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: 'Sit [repose no less] at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.'...” Here is a positive—the enemies of God, of His Messiah Jesus, will become His footstool (Fig. 1). Why is this a positive? It is a positive because the enemies of God stand against, are hostile to Jehovah God, who is holy—the antithesis of evil—thus by very definition they are responsible for much of the evil that is endemic to humankind, and the misery and sorrow and suffering that attends that evil (“Have You Considered My Servant Job?” for a theological tangent). It follows that holiness may flourish per the crushing of God's enemies, as indicated by the verbiage of the footstool utilized in our passage, and this is very positive. Please note that Father God Jehovah will bring this about for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ—hostility toward whom (Jesus) makes lucid the term “enemy of God,” and for whom (Jesus) Father God intends to crush said enemies. How is God working out His purposes in this regard? He simply speaks and thus it is so: He is working this out by way of His Word, itself the Sword of the Spirit in the hands of the Christian Church, thus “carving up” the the ends of the earth: “...the rod of thy strength doth Jehovah send from Zion...“—in this way Jesus rules in the midst of His enemies: “...Rule in the midst of thine enemies...” In the meantime Messiah Jesus, the very holiness of God, who explicates the same (“Be Holy”), and upon whom said Church is built, sits (the posture of a dignitary, a ruler); sits at the right hand of Father God (Hbr 1:3), while He, Father God, holy Despot, makes Christ's enemies His footstool (Psa 2:9-this verse references Jesus, Blessed Son, but gives some perspective here Jhn 10:30): ”...The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: 'Sit at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.'....” (Psa 2:4—the enemies of God are in view here “Psalm Two Commentary”).

110:3-4-Father God Doth Avow: Forever a Priest unto Thine Art Thou Blessed Son

YLT TEXT: Thy people are free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength [7], in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth. Jehovah hath sworn [8], and doth not repent [9], 'Thou art a priest [10] to the age, According to the order [11] of Melchizedek [12].' (Psa 110:3-4).

COMPARE THE NLT TEXT: When you go to war, your people will serve you willingly. You are arrayed in holy garments, and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew. The LORD has taken an oath and will not break his vow: “You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.”

COMMENTARY-Those who come to Father God must come to Him through Jesus Christ (Jhn 14:6 [aside—please note that untold multitudes think they can come to God some other way—but nay, Scripture says only through Jesus Christ], “A Letter of Invitation”). This approach, this coming to God is a voluntary act, in response to the drawing by Father God (Jhn 3:16, 6:44, 12:32-these verses are intimately related): “Thy people are free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength...” Please see Father God working out His design—His drawings come together as a Sword-of-the-Spirit-wielding army, Christian soldiers—volunteers—in their season: “...From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth...” In that dew suffuses, this bespeaks of multitudes; moreover, in that dew revitalizes, it bespeaks of vigorous multitudes. Here are not a few volunteers in their allotted place, laying low the enemies of God by His powerful Word: “...The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: 'Sit at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.' ...”—here is Jesus Christ, blessed Son, eternal Word (John Chapter One Commentary”), ruling in the midst of His enemies by way of His Church, founded on the Word, governed by it, disseminating the same; which Church came together by the preordained will of Father God (thus He draws [coos and woos]). So it is since the ascension of Jesus Christ and the founding of His Church: “ the day of Thy strength...” Here is holiness displacing evil on the back of Jesus Christ, holy—the infusion of the holiness of Jehovah God upon such of humankind as are willing to embrace it by embracing Jesus Christ, their manifest holiness: “ the day of Thy strength [Christendom going forward] in the honors of holiness...” It is noteworthy that right here in this context Father God declares Jesus to be a priest forever—with an oath no less; specifically, Jesus is declared to be a priest in the order of Melchizedek. For what purpose; why? “...The LORD has taken an oath and will not break his vow: 'You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.'” There is a clear distinction drawn over against the order of Aaron. Whereas the Aaronic priesthood carried out the daily and festive sacrifices and were functionaries so to speak in that regard, brokering the peace of the nation by their activities in accord with the requirements of God (Lev 17), ordained thus with an eternal covenant, Jesus by contrast is not ordained as an Aaronic functionary (Hbr 7:11), but rather is ordained in the order of Melchizedek (unique; a priest in and of Himself; not tethered to a tradition, but Himself setting a Standard-Hbr 7:1-3), yet with a similar eternal covenant. And so consistent with Jesus ruling in the midst of His enemies is Jesus the King of Peace and the King of Righteousness (“Melchizedek”)—it bespeaks of His manner of rule—He, King, will rule in the midst of His enemies in peace and righteousness—this precisely is the (intended) modus operandi of His Church in the day of His strength. Yet He is a priest, and this clearly for His own—it is His priesthood that secures the sanctity and thus strength of His Church as He rules through it in the midst of His enemies in the day of His strength (Zec 6:13, Hbr 4:14-16, 7:25).

110:5-7-Whither Thine Enemies in the Day of Thy Anger Blessed Son?

YLT TEXT: The Lord [13] on thy right hand smote kings In the day of His anger [14]. He doth judge among the nations, He hath completed the carcases, Hath smitten the head over the mighty earth. From a brook [15] in the way he drinketh, Therefore he doth lift up the head! (Psa 110:5-7).

COMPARE THE NLT TEXT: The Lord stands at your right hand to protect you. He will strike down many kings when his anger erupts. He will punish the nations and fill their lands with corpses; he will shatter heads over the whole earth. But he himself will be refreshed from brooks along the way. He will be victorious.

COMMENTARY-We are here displaced in time—a shift has taken place—we have transitioned from the day of our Lord's strength (the Church Age and mercy), to the day of His anger (the consummation of the Ages and manifest judgment [16]). The transition appears to be crisp; it is certainly dramatic.

When Jesus Christ returns to this earth for the second time (His second advent), He will not come as a helpless little babe in a manger—He will appear as the glorified Sovereign of the Universe, Creator thereof—terrible and fearsome. All will “melt” before Him (Psa 46:6, Isa 2:10, 19, 2Pe 3:10, et al.). In concert with Father God, ever working: “...The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: 'Sit at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool...'” He will seize control of His earth and reestablish primordial Righteousness, thus far trampled underfoot in high places by coalition: “..The Lord on thy right hand smote kings In the day of His anger...”, and nothing will be able to stop Him in this regard when He adjudicates entirely unilaterally amongst the nations: “...He doth judge among the nations, He hath completed the carcases...”, and again: “...[He] hath smitten the head over the mighty earth...” (a wicked generation is presaged here, smitten, entirely consistent with the spirit of Antichrist [unrighteousness, at least] that asserts itself going forward “Revelation Chapter Thirteen Commentary”). This is not the babe Jesus in the manger here, nor is it the soft spoken and mild Jesus of the days of His flesh (cf. Luk 19:27). He will not “fatigue/tire” if you will in this, He will be as though ever refreshed: “From a brook in the way he drinketh ...” That is to say, once judgment starts, it will be unrelenting, and will not cease until King Jesus is satisfied with the status quo—thus He will accomplish His purposes and institute His millennial reign at the appointed time, a Victor: “...he doth lift up the head!...” In Victory He, divine King, lifts up His head, which He bowed when He, incarnate Servant, gave up His spirit at Calvary (Jhn 19:30). This is very positive, for His victory is our (believers) victory.

Praised be your Name King Jesus, Victor...

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1. Thine Enemies Becometh Thy Footstool Blessed Son (Psa 110:1; cf. Gen 3:15).

Works Cited and References

A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Atmosphere of the Earth.”


< >

Be Holy.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Balchin, John, gen. ed.

The Compact Survey of the Bible.

Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1987.

Blue Letter Bible.

Blue Letter Bible Linguistics Tools.

Have You Considered My Servant Job?

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on Psalm One-hundred-ten.

< >

Jehovah, Sovereign God.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

John Chapter One Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

McGee, J.V.

Commentary on Psalm One-hundred-ten.

Mount Zion.”


< >

New Living Translation.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Psalm Two Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Revelation Chapter Thirteen Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Wolfram Research.


Young's Literal Translation.

The YLT is in the public domain.


1. Affirmation-Strong's H5002. Verbal usage is Qal, passive participle.

2. Jehovah-Strong's H3068. The context makes clear that the first person of the triune God Jehovah is meant—Father God Jehovah.

2a. Lord-Strongs H136. There is an overt distinction drawn to the subject of footnote 2 just above. So who was David's Lord? “...The affirmation of Jehovah [Father God Jehovah] to my [David's] Lord...” Since David's Lord is to sit at Father God Jehovah's right hand (implied equality) as the rest of the verse points out, clearly David's Lord is deity. Correlation with other verses in Scripture, like Hbr 1:3, et al., then necessitates that David's Lord is Jesus Christ, the second person of the triune God Jehovah. Our verse gives tremendous insight into the Godhead and at the same time it declares the deity of Jesus Christ.

3 Sit Strong's-H3427 Verbal usage is Qal, direct address imperative. The posture befitting a dignitary, ruler.

4. Make-Strongs H7896. Verbal usage is Qal, imperfect, thus ongoing action.

4a. Enemies-Strong's H341. To stand against in hostility. Be an adversary (of God) is good in context. Thus are any who reject God's Messiah Jesus His enemies by definition.

5. Footstool-Strong's H1916.

6. Rod [of thy strength]-Strong's H4294. We like the application of both a scepter in the hand of God (Ruler) and the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in the hands of the soldiers of Christ (Eph 6:13-17, Rev 19:15).

6a. Zion-Strong's H6726. Literally the Jebusite fortress upon Mount Zion that David conquered; it is the city of David (2 Sa 5:6-7, 1Ki 8:1). Here Zion is probably typical of the Christian Church.

6b. Rule-Strong's H7287.

7. [day of thy] Strength-Strong's H2428. We understand this to be the Church Age.

8. Sworn-Strong's H7650. Take an oath. Verbal usage is Niphal (simple action, reflexive/passive voice), perfect (completed action).

9. [Not] Repent-Strong's H5162. Literally, “not change His mind” (God does not “change His mind” [!] of course [Psa 102:25-27, Mal 3:6, Mat 24:35, Hbr 13:8,Jas 1:17, et al., consider our “The Alpha and the Omega” argument”]). Verbal usage is Niphal (simple action, reflexive/passive voice—but with NACHAM here probably active voice?), imperfect (ongoing action). The imperfect is revealing—as matters unfold in time and space going forward our God continues steadfast, resolute, loyal to His sworn oath concerning our High Priest Jesus—He Jesus shall be a, indeed, shall be the Priest forever in the house of God (Hbr 7:21-25).

10. Priest-Strong's H3548.

11. Order-Strongs H1700.

12. Melchizedek-Strong's H4442. Literally, “my king is righteousness.” Thus, king (MELEK) of peace, and king (MELEK) of righteousness ( Gen 14:18, Psa 76:1-2, Hbr 7:1-7). Certainly he was king of Jerusalem. An archetype of our Lord—the King of Peace (Isa 9:6-7), the King of Righteousness (Isa 9:7, Jer 23:6, cf Jer 33:16), the King of Jerusalem (Psa 110:2a, Isa 24:23, Jer 33:16, Luk 1:32, et al.). Also notes 12a, 12b just below.

12a. Peace-Strong's H7965; cf. Salem Strong's H8004.

12b. Righteousness-Strong's H6666.

13. see footnote 2a.

14. [Day of His] Anger-Strong's H639. Bespeaks of the nose—the picture is that of heat or smoke pouring forth from the nostrils; anger, wrath. This is not a pretty picture—the day of the Lord's anger is that day when He no longer extends the gentle hand of mercy unto sinners, His enemies (thus post-Church Age); sometimes “The [great and dreadful] Day of the Lord.” The term is common to both the Old and New Testaments, and relates both imminent (a city, a nation, etc.) or more distant (Final Judgment) doom.

15 Brook-Strong's H5158. Some see this as the Brook Kidron over which Jesus crossed on His way to the Garden of Gethsemane and ultimately the Cross. In this view the balance of the passage then sees Jesus' consummate victory at Calvary (Col 2:15). We would normally prefer this view in keeping with the highly prophetic nature of David's utterances, but the context does not seem to support this view in that the text suggests that the day of the Lord's wrath is at hand.

16. We shall follow Augustine's broad outline of the Ages for convenience and because it is biblically based: 1st Agefrom Adam to the Flood, 2nd Agefrom the Flood to Abraham, 3rd Agefrom Abraham to David, 4th Agefrom David to the Babylonian Captivity, 5th Agefrom the Babylonian Captivity until the first advent of Jesus Christ, 6th Agefrom the first advent of Jesus Christ until the second advent of Jesus Christ (here is the Church Age). This ends Augustine's outline. In reference to the main text, we place the consummation of the Ages at the end of the Church Age. A 7th Age will be the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ per His second advent at the end of the Church Age/consummation of the Ages, and an 8th and final Age will be eternity future hence and the eternal Kingdom of God per the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the great White Throne Judgment of the damned.

                                           English (transliteration) to Hebrew Character Mapping

















(Capital i)


































Legend: black= primitive consonants; red and magenta= weak primitive consonants—red =weak guttural primitive consonants, magenta=weak guttural primitive consonants sometimes; blue =vowels: short, changeable long, unchangeable long, reduced, on a per row basis top to bottom.