
I. Introduction

II. Psalms Two Commentary Verses

2:1-6 Thy Enemies Shall Not Prevail My Son

2:7-9 Thy Kingdom Shall Be An Everlasting Kingdom My Son

2:10-12 They Do Well To Enter Thy Kingdom My Son

Illustrations and Tables

Figure 1 For You A Kiss My Lord

Works Cited and References


English to Hebrew Character Mapping


I. Introduction

Our purpose is to render a commentary on Psalm two, which is, importantly, a psalm of David (Act 4:25-26). David, the very one to whom the covenant behind the Messianic Kingdom the psalm prophecies of was given (2Sa 7:12-13, Psa 89:28-29). The one, David, through whom the Ruler of that Kingdom, Messiah (Christ) Jesus, would come (Mic 5:2, Zec 6:13, Mat 1:1). The same, Messiah, who would establish (Psa 45:3-4) and preserve ( Isa 54:16-17, Mat 16:18) it. A psalm that sees this Kingdom's enemies, notwithstanding, its victory and overarching dominion under Messiah (Isa 54:2-3).

We will follow this format:

II. Psalms Two Commentary Verses

2:1-6 Thy Enemies Shall Not Prevail My Son

YLT TEXT: Why have nations tumultuously assembled? And do peoples meditate vanity? Station themselves do kings of the earth, And princes have been united together, Against Jehovah, and against His Messiah: `Let us draw off Their cords, And cast from us Their thick bands.' He that dwelleth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision. He who is sitting in the heavens doth laugh, The Lord doth mock at them. Then doth He speak unto them in His anger, And in His wrath He doth trouble them: `And I -- I have anointed My King, Upon Zion -- My holy hill.' Psa 2:1-6.

COMMENTARY: Why, asks the psalmist, as if in startled “disbelief.” In his vision he sees that nations, and peoples, and kings, and princes, that is, humankind of all stripes, has “cliqued” together in solidarity against Jehovah, the One to be feared, and His Messiah, no less to be feared (it must be appreciated that this enmity toward God is highly accurate prophesy, particularly since the so-called Enlightenment some 2600-2700 years after David; said enmity manifestly started at the Crucifixion some 1000 years after David). Why indeed. What vain, that is to say, what futile thing is the cause of this passionate: “... And do peoples meditate vanity...” resolve that is at odds with God? The enemies of God are seen to be in concordant counsel one with another, laying aside differences we can be sure (consider Herod, Pontius Pilate, sundry Gentiles, and the Jewish Religious leaders in concert-Act 4:27, cf. Psa 83:5), so that they might establish and enjoy a “status quo,” a “norm,” that is manifestly devoid of Jehovah God, especially devoid of His decrees, laws, and statutes: “...`Let us draw off Their cords, And cast from us Their thick bands'...” Notice: the Word of God is as a band, even a thick band to His enemies. That is, it is stifling to them, a vexation: '...let us be rid of this choker...'; nay, more, it condemns them, and through that condemnation it confutes their ideals and self-valuations; It exposes (Hbr 4:12) these enemies' self-directed ideals and valuations, and exercise of the same, necessarily it thus exposes God's enemies as insolent sinners in His eyes, though they may see themselves quite contrarily. Particularly God's Messiah Jesus Christ, Jehovah God's Standard, the Word (Jhn 1:1, Rev 19:13, “John Chapter One Commentary”), who reveals God (Jhn 10:27-30, 14:9, 15:15, 17:5-8), who reveals and inculcates God's cords and bands (Mat 5:17-18, Mat 24:35, Luk 16:17, Rev 1:16, “The Beatitudes”), must specifically be fought against. And again, this time through the lips of the modernist:

'...We cannot, are predisposed, not to give any place to the intangible of faith in God: in our academics, in our institutions and industries. We must never revert to the superstitions of Religion; and we are a being that is sufficient in and of themselves, we have both self-manifested and intrinsic worth, and are free, and will not be told that we are wretched and enslaved, etc... (Rom 7:14-19, Rev 3:17). Away with this fantasy-deity; away with it and all it purports to say to us, about us—it shall not rule over us (Job 21:14). Faith, God, Heaven, such is for the foolish, the simpletons, the weak, who are afraid of the dark...'

Thus God is fought against, purported to be mocked, marginalized, minimized, and removed out of sight and mind by His enemies.

There is another enemy of Jehovah God no less resistant of Him, but for other reasons, and again particularly so of His Messiah Jesus, and that is certain of the Jews [1]. To this day they hold Jesus in contempt, mocking and disdaining Him (not Messianic Jews, Christian Jews). They fight against God in that they fight against Jesus, whom God has set on His (not their) holy hill Zion: “...Then doth He speak unto them in His anger, And in His wrath He doth trouble them: `And I -- I have anointed My King [Hebrew Messiah, Greek Christ], Upon Zion -- My holy hill.'...” This (Zion) may be taken as a type of the Christian Church. God makes good His Word here by the testimony of the C-H-R-I-S-Tian Church (Psa 8:1-2, “Isaiah Chapter Fifty-four Commentary”). Notice that here is a kingdom-force to be reckoned with, and not just by force of number, but precisely because the anointed One of God, Christ, is at work in this world through His Church; it only follows that He, Messiah, characteristically omniscient and omnipotent (“The Alpha and the Omega”) reigns; is manifestly upon His holy hill Zion (=the hearts of believers). So speaks the evidence, itself magnified given the history of Christendom stemming from very mean beginnings to say the least (“Early Christendom”, “Palestine”). In this way then, through the Christian Church—a Messianic Kingdom tangibly birthed, firmly set, and growing for millennia—are God's enemies squelched; and the matter concerning them speedily hastens to its forgone conclusion: The enemies of God will be found no more, and His Kingdom under its Head Messiah shall flourish undeterred precisely because of the character of its Headship (a foretaste if you will: Isa 2:2-3, 56:7, 66:18-20, Joe 2:1, Rev 20:6). One would be wise to “get on board” here while the heart still beats (“A Letter of Invitation”, “Children of the Resurrection”).

We are told that God laughs (imagine that) when His enemies, stiff-necked, noncompliant, informed (about Him, but without absorption), resolutely endeavor to stiff-arm Him and mock Him and fight against Him (aim to do Him and His Beloved hurt): “... He that dwelleth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision. He who is sitting in the heavens doth laugh [note the redundancy], The Lord doth mock at them...” We understand “derision” here as “to regard ridiculous” [2], not least because of the mortality, and highly limited capacities generally, of humankind. Humankind's lot may be one-hundred years of life or some bit more, and then, equipped with all one's knowledge, and wit, and what not, one must face naked (exposed) the One who holds the universe in His hands (Omniscience, Omnipotence, utterly fearsome); the One, the Remedy, the Fix for one's eternality plight (Messiah Jesus), whom one as His enemy nevertheless while drawing breath chose to mock and reject and fight against, who must, in keeping with His Word, reject such a one before Him. How ridiculous (nay, sad) to purport to be smart, before one's end comes, and literally be found, it must be said, to be stupid in the end (willfully Godless at one's last breath, without an Advocate—Isa 11:4, Hbr 9:27). As we can see, God will no longer hold out the hand of mercy and compassion to His enemies at this time—how can He be? He will be laughing after all. Is this not a frightful thought in its utter hopelessness? Friend, today is the day of Salvation (“A Letter of Invitation”). If you have discounted or disdained or fought against God before, trusted in your wits or wealth or wishes, it is not too late to repent and come to God now through Messiah Jesus, our Advocate with God—we are sure He is waiting for you, for His Word says so (Isa 55:7, Jhn 3:16—catch the “whoeverin this verse...also Psa 8:3-4). Do not gamble with your eternal future now that you know God's plans in this—that is a fool's game, and fools such as that deserve to be laughed at when they slip into eternity without God—the quintessence of spiritual misery. You say, where is the much-preached loving-compassion of God in such a scenario? Friend, it is up front; God is doing business with you right now. He is trying to woo you to Himself, because He loves you; because He wants to keep you, and bless you forever, but He will reject you if you reject Him; if you insist on being His enemy (Jhn 3:16-18, 3:36, Hbr 10:29-31).

2:7-9 Thy Kingdom Shall Be An Everlasting Kingdom My Son

YLT TEXT: I declare concerning a statute [3]: Jehovah said unto me, `My Son Thou [art], I to-day have brought thee forth. Ask of Me and I give nations -- thy inheritance, And thy possession -- the ends of earth. Thou dost rule them with a sceptre of iron, As a vessel of a potter Thou dost crush them.' Psa 2:7-9

COMMENTARY: Here is the resurrection of Jesus Christ declared (=victory against God's enemies, cf. Act 13:33, Rom 1:4): “...Jehovah said unto me, `My Son Thou [art], I to-day have brought thee forth...”, and shown to be the basis of victory for “whoevercomes to Jehovah God through Messiah: “...Ask of Me and I give nations -- thy inheritance, And thy possession -- the ends of earth.....”

Catch the irony: Though nations may be in a rage, even in an uproar against Jehovah and against His Anointed, Messiah need but ask, and the same shall become His inheritance, His possession, to the ends of the earth. How so? There seems to be tension here? At Calvary a battle was fought for the souls of humankind (“Holy Week”). Christ won that battle, as evidenced by His resurrection, prophesied of here (and many other places in Scripture). Christ now is an Intercessor (Isa 53:12, Hbr 7:24-25, 1Jo 2:1, et al.) and a High Priest (Psa 110:4, Hbr 2:17, 3:1, 4:14, 5:8-10, et al.) at the right hand of Father God (Mar 16:19, Act 7:55, Hbr 1:3, 8:1), praying for “whoevercomes to Father God through Him (this relieves said tension; when we ask, He asks, and is thus given...). The same are given to God the Son as an inheritance—here are the Redeemed, the ones Messiah purchased, ransomed. The transaction is sealed with our Savior's blood and legitimized by it, and shown to be in force by the Son's resurrection: “... Ask of Me and I give nations -- thy inheritance, And thy possession -- the ends of earth....” Christian friend, that Inheritance is by grace you and I. Here is the Messianic Kingdom spoken of above. It is comprised of nations, even to the ends of the earth, as we see today—here is a kingdom-force to be reckoned with (Rev 2:26-29). It is today precisely as prophesied in these verses, and as said above, it hastens toward consummation; that is, Messiah's return (the second advent of Jesus Christ) and the last and final in-gatherings. At this point an important history of humankind (indeed, of the universe) shall end, and a significant new Messianic Kingdom-history shall begin and run for one-thousand years, and thence continue ad infinitum (Rev 20:6-22:21). One can smell His sweet fragrance in the air already these days: '...I cometh on the clouds of the air, yea, as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west' (Mat 24:27, 1Th 4:17, Jas 5:8). Come Lord Jesus, come; help us to do the Work that shall hasten your blessed return great savior God.

It is truly sobering to recognize that Jehovah God rules absolutely, without restriction [4]. He is perfectly sovereign: '...Thou dost rule them with a sceptre of iron, As a vessel of a potter Thou dost crush them.'...” Here is why the Messianic Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Again, it is because Jehovah God rules absolutely, without restriction; He is the consummate Sovereign. There can be no sustained, Messiah-contrariwise corruption from within (rebellion) under such dominant, mighty rule, and He is by default invincible from without by the same reasoning. Thus His dominion not only is an everlasting one, it must become overarching—to the ends of the earth and the new generations of peoples therein [5]. By default that which He rules here stands forever precisely as He wishes it to stand—thus it stands in holiness (in accord with His Nature). It is needless to say that here is a stark contrast to the manner of life in the world today. When Messiah Jesus rules (we are awaiting His second advent is meant), things will be much different. By today's standards, it is hard to visualize such a magnificent utopia wherein the ways of God flourish and are the norm, but we must always lift up our eyes and expect such big things to come (1Cr 2:9, “Aeternus Has A Vision”, “Jesus Our Jubilee”), and never “get bogged down” by the painful and wicked world-system that is in force today (one must keep their eyes squarely on Jesus and let His Word guide and soothe). This present world-system shall pass, because our Messiah-King Jesus has seized the prince of this world's throne. He has reclaimed it for its rightful Owner, even Jehovah God [6]—why just look about you at the incipient Messianic Kingdom in force today and perceive how this is true. Praised and thanked be our great savior God for this. We must but serve His missionary interests and pray and wait for Him.

2:10-12 They Do Well To Enter Thy Kingdom My Son

YLT TEXT: And now, O kings, act wisely, Be instructed, O judges of earth, Serve ye Jehovah with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Chosen One, lest He be angry, And ye lose the way, When His anger burneth but a little, O the happiness of all trusting in Him! Psa 2:10-12

COMMENTARY: What is Wisdom? It is the Fear of the Lord (“Be Holy”), irrespective of the pursuit that calls for wisdom; wisdom is always characterized by the Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord does not characterize God's enemies—there is no fear of God with such; this gets at the heart of the character of God's enemies. The psalmist (Holy Spirit) addresses God's enemies here imperatively (act wisely, be instructed...), not inquisitively as in our opening verses, and warns them to fear God in their activities and service, even in their merrymaking: “...And now, O kings, act wisely, Be instructed, O judges of earth, Serve ye Jehovah with fear, And rejoice with trembling....” And He qualifies this fear of God, this Wisdom, very specifically as reverence for God manifested by embracing and esteeming His Son: “...Kiss the Chosen One...”, Himself the Revelation of this great God that is to be revered (Jhn 10:27-30, 14:9, 15:15, 17:5-8). When one rejects Jesus, The Son, God's Chosen (Isa 42:1, 49:6-7, Luk 23:35, Jhn 6:38, 1Pe 1:19-20, 2:4-6), one in essence rejects God (Jhn 3:35, 5:20). To reject Jesus is to reject God. This rejection then is consistent with the enemy of God sub-theme of our psalm. And here we think is why the Son is angered over this rejection of specifically Himself: “...Kiss the Chosen One, lest He be angry ...”—It signifies blatant rejection of His beloved Father, God (Mat 12:30-32 seems to indicate that it is not for His own sake that the Son is angered here). Father God is the One the Son came to reveal; Father God came to humankind in the person of Jesus Christ. The Son is the only way home to Father God (Jhn 14:6). Whichever way one looks at it, the offense of rejecting Jesus translates to the offense of rejecting our Father God. And we are informed that to kindle the Son's wrath here, but a little, is to lose that Way; to kindle His wrath is to lose one's place in His (God's) Kingdom: “...lest He be angry, And ye lose the way, When His anger burneth but a little...” thus God is not mocked (Gal 6:7), His enemies must pay a steep price in the end relates Scripture for their rebellious rejection of God by way of rejection of Jesus Christ, The Beloved Son.

But O the felicities of those that Kiss the Son: “... O the happiness of all trusting in Him!...” (Isa 64:4, 1Cr 2:9)! Yea, the same do well, and enter into eternal fellowship with God (Salvation), and manifestly comprise His blessed Kingdom.

For you a kiss my Lord; help me to be faithful to the end. Praised be your Name great savior God...

Illustrations and Tables

                                                                                           Figure 1. For You A Kiss My Lord.


Works Cited and References

A Letter of Invitation.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Aeternus Has A Vision.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Age of Enlightenment.”


< >

Be Holy.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Children of the Resurrection.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Early Christendom.

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Henry, Matthew.

Commentary on Psalm Two.

< >

Holy Week.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Isaiah Chapter Fifty-four Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Jesus Our Jubilee.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

John Chapter One Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

McGee, J.V.

Commentary on Psalm two.


Jesus, Amen.

< >

Psalm One-hundred-ten Commentary.”

Jesus, Amen.

< >

The Alpha and the Omega.

Jesus, Amen.

< >

The Beatitudes.

Jesus, Amen.

< >

Wolfram Research Mathematica.

Figure 1.

Young's Literal Translation

The YLT is in the public domain.


1. The Gentile modernist spoken of above as enemy of God stands against Religion and notions of God per se (one would not expect a true Jew to be in this camp). Jesus and His Church (Christianity, the Messianic Kingdom) is a threat to such a one through its claims and sheer size and influence (a threat in that Religion is seen as a great hindrance to human scientific and technological advancement, and as a great hindrance to supposed human self-actualization; Friedrich Nietzsche-philosophy, Karl Marx-economics/sociology, Sigmund Freud-human psyche, and Charles Darwin-science stand as sort of ground-breakers in this atheisim for the modernist). Certain of the Jews on the other hand see Jesus Christ as an imposter who purports to be the Davidic Messiah, the Son of God, and thus they see Him as a blasphemer and fight against Jesus for that reason (like in the days of the incarnate Jesus; not much has changed here). Thus the former's antiGod bent is thoroughly and truly antiGod, while the latter at least thinks they hold up the banner of God's cause; there is a profound difference. Notwithstanding, both do our Jehovah God a great disservice, and dishonor Him. Both camps are His enemies whom He holds in derision, laughs at, according to Scripture. These camps are clearly presaged and delineated in our psalm and in Acts 4:27—the prophetic pattern has been consistent down through the ages, and continues.

2. We think this is literal laughter, like a father literally laughs when his five-year old son defies him, watching the boy stomping about throwing an “I want my way tantrum“ while punching the father's knees with his tiny, soft fists.

3. Statute-CHQ is a masculine noun. Decree, enactment, ordinance, prescript fits the context.

4. At Calvary God consummated His program against Evil (evil is manifestly that which does not reflect the nature of God); yea a program designed to eliminate Evil; designed to eliminate anything that stands against His nature. Thus in the end there will be no Evil, only its antithesis, Holiness, which resonates with the nature of God, shall prevail (Lev 11:44-45, Isa 35:8-9, Mat 5:48, “Be Holy”, “The Beatitudes”). And here is the crux: It is so because God is the consummate Sovereign. We are motivated here to emphasize the fact that Jehovah God does exactly what He wants to do precisely when and how He wants to do it, and, when He does act, He does so to promote His own Nature.

5. A massive kingdom is implied here, a massiveness we perceive in small part through its exponential growth since AD 33/34, the approximate year of Jesus' resurrection and the beginnings of the outreach of the Gospel; and then there are all the Old Testament saints back to Adam—only God knows how many saints comprise this Kingdom today, but the number must be staggering (owing to the blood of Christ that covers Sin looking backward and forward in time from the Redemption event of the Cross). It seems to us that the only thing that holds back Jesus' return is that last saint destined to enter this Kingdom...

6. Reclaimed, not usurped; usurpation could suggest illegitimacy. Moreover, God did not lose His throne in the tangible universe, our home, by any act of power over God on Satan's part in the first place (Satan is the consummate enemy of God). Humankind handed over this throne to God's enemy (here is free moral agency perverted; the same continues, and is defined as Sin by Scripture; Sin was stripped of its power at Calvary). It is by grace that our great savior God reclaims this Home for Himself and His Beloved, the latter being similarly reclaimed on an individual basis (the “whoever” mentioned above). God's plans cannot be thwarted, but here God paid a great price for said reclamation, yet we too have suffered greatly down through the ages for our folly. The Messianic Kingdom is in a sense a Reclamation and Restoration unto original designs.

                                           English (transliteration) To Hebrew Character Mapping

















(Capital i)


































Legend: black= primitive consonants; red and magenta= weak primitive consonants—red =weak guttural primitive consonants, magenta=weak guttural primitive consonants sometimes; blue =vowels: short, changeable long, unchangeable long, reduced, on a per row basis top to bottom.